October 6, 2023
This is such a favorite for me to work on each month – partly because it’s a challenge, and partly because I feel like this wardrobe is much more functional than I expected it to be!
So far, our heroine has this 29-piece wardrobe, which is… pretty functional, and has a lot of lovely texture in it.
But I am beginning to think that it could benefit from a bit of white – not necessarily a white garment, but something that includes white.
And some pattern!
This heroine loves navy, and isn’t worried that she may own too much of it – she’s more interested in textures, like corduroy. And the idea of a “suit-like ensemble” of a vest and matching pants really appeals to her:
Earrings – Kendra Scott; bracelet – Halcyon Days; corduroy vest – Alex Mill; ruffle neck flannel shirt – Lands’ End; scarf – Elizabetta; corduroy pants – Alex Mill
Why shouldn’t a flannel shirt have a ruffle around the neck?
Her updated wardrobe is really strong on navy, but has a good balance of pieces so she can easily get dressed.
Does the plaid shirt make things feel different?
Her accessories feel like they support her love of navy a little bit better; I suspect she could love a pair of navy short boots, too…
Three new garments should equal AT LEAST six new outfits – probably far more than that, in a focused wardrobe:
Maybe this heroine would like a navy and white striped tee shirt? Navy and olive (or navy and yellow!) would be delightful, if she can find such a thing!
Like this wardrobe? Save it to Pinterest!
I am still trying to find out more about the lovely quilted olive green ankle boots! Please can you tell me how to see the name of the maker and possibly how to buy these boots , or any other items on your blog?
Many thanks for all the lovely colour combinations. I would also love to see some different shapes, but maybe that’s not the purpose of the Vivienne files? I believe I’ve written before with both of these questions, apologies if I have missed seeing a reply – I still need to learn to navigate this blog and would appreciate some pointers.
Amanda, a number of us have answered your question about the boots, more than once. We do try to be helpful Here’s one of the replies from last month, including a link to the direct website. you should be able to copy and paste. Or just google Camper. The original link was to Nordstroms and they are sold out.
The boots were originally shown in the January edition of this series, with a link to Nordstrom. They don’t appear to be available there anymore, but are on sale directly from the maker (Camper) at https://www.camper.com/en_US/search?target=W&searchTerm=green%20boot.
Sheila, I wonder if we are being pranked?
The name of the brand and the link to buy them is under the image from the first month that that item appeared here; you have to go back through a few months of these posts to find all of the items!
I used to try to link to everything, but the links got so voluminous that I had to stop!
Now that these wardrobes have got bigger, it’s a good idea to look at them one by one. I like the idea of a plaid shirt with a frill collar. It adds a touch of femininity to a utilitarian garment. I saw a burgundy plaid blouse in my local supermarket the other day. That also had a pretty filled collar. I was quite tempted though I have 3/4 plaid shirts already…
Love the look-back.
Plaid with ruffles makes me think of Barb on Stranger Things, who looked like half the girls in my ninth grade class. https://www.vulture.com/2017/10/stranger-things-2-justice-for-barb.html
😂 oh gosh – so 1980’s prairie style.
I do like all those colors so much, and have stuff in all of them, esp like navy and yellow together. But they have to be the right shade to not make me look dead. Just put a olive shirt aside the other day for that reason; funny how long it takes sometimes to realize, “this looks icky on me” when you really like a garment. Takes time and fortitude!! to build a satisfying wardrobe. Thank you for the new discernment you give us!
This is one of my personal favorites since I wear navy and olive. I’ve been eying that Alex Mill cord suit ever since they introduced it! The full suit might be too much for my casual life style, but seeing just the pants and vest gives me new ideas. Beth T, one can never have too many plaid shirts! Although I admit I did sort through mine last year and eliminated those in less desirable colors. Since it is the only print, it does seem to stick out at the moment, but there are two more months left and plenty of time to add additional prints – though I suppose if you are wearing a print scarf with a solid color that kind of counts as the same? maybe? TGIF have a great weekend ladies.
Sandy B – you made me laugh out loud. I never even considered it!
At this point, I agree with Sandy!
Maybe not rush to judgement. I come across people on FB sites who are internet illiterate (or incompetent). They will ask the same obvious questions (to us) even after they have been given the answer several times.
I know people of my own age, who are being forced to access an increasingly technological world (to them) when they don’t understand how it works or why it is even necessary.
There are people I know who don’t have mobile phones and struggle to do online shopping. They are baffled by the idea of joining FB groups to “talk” to complete strangers about shared interests. After all we all live thousands of miles apart and can’t see each other, yet we happily talk about the clothes we wear.
Janice, it would be lovely if you would create a private FB group for VF so that we can share images of our outfits and ask for practical advice. 🤗
Thanks Beth, perhaps I leapt to judgement. I take for granted internet ability. Cheers!
I have really enjoyed seeing this wardrobe develop. For one thing, I get to see that lovely, lovely ruffled olive blouse every month. I surprised myself by how much I like the look of the weskit style vest and pleated corduroy pants with the blouse. That is totally a look I rocked in the late ’70s, but mine would have been browns/rust back then. I noticed that Alex Mill is calling these boy pants. I actually wore and loved a pair of thrifted men’s wool tweed pants with my vests and blazers. Maybe it’s time to get my old vest patterns out.
I have long loved olive garments and only fairly recently, since white has lightened my formerly dark auburn hair, begun to add navy. I really like the looks of the brown leather with the pairing. I would sub rust for the yellow.
“Why shouldn’t a flannel shirt have a ruffle around the neck?” Why, indeed! That subtle ruffle makes the shirt so much more versatile. And, I would wear the patterned scarf with it!
A navy & white Breton top next? What will she add for the Holidaze? I wonder if a fabulous snowflake brooch pinned to the vest with a skirt & pretty flats over a silk blouse would do the trick without sinking a lot into clothing items only worn in December.
Navy velvet looks sufficiently holiday-themed but can be combined in other ways to be suitable for the entire winter.
I second the suggestion for a Breton!
I have been studying all six capsules with an eye towards next year. While other years the capsules, based on scarves, have leaned bold/vivid, this year I would consider five of the six muted. Which I personally prefer. That said, may I suggest a capsule with red as an accent, always a classic. Orange, bright or coral, might be a challenge and very different. I don’t see any kelly green represented or a true sapphire blue. Looking at the capsules, I see 3 wardrobes for the “Autumn” type, 2 for “Summers”, 1 for “Winter”. Lets help out our beautiful “Spring” ladies, I know color analysis isn’t your thing, but many of your readers mention their coloring. Just some suggestions if you choose to continue this concept next year.
Agreed! I usually end up pinning one of the annual wardrobes, but I haven’t this year as none have truly resonated with me. I hadn’t thought (until your comment) that it is because I’m a Bright/Blue Spring and these are all just a bit muted for me.
That said, I do like the all brown/tan wardrobe, but I need color, too!
Thanks for thinking of us Springs. I’m a (Clear) Spring with blonde hair and blue-green eyes. My go-to neutrals are navy, olive and khaki with signature colors of turquoise and coral. In the winter, I also use black, charcoal gray and camel as neutrals with accent colors of turquoise, red and yellow. Cream works as a neutral year-round, and occasionally I’ll use lighter green, orange and periwinkle as accents. I’ve found I don’t wear the darker brown items I have although shoes and bags in more of a saddle color work for me.
Another thought – I’d love to see a wardrobe inspired by Egyptian jewelry: turquoise, lapis, and carnelian. My favorite color combo!
Love this capsule! Can you provide a link to the bear scarf? Thx!
I think that scarf sold out months ago. The Brand is Un Poco; I can’t find their scarves available anywhere right now! That’s so irritating…
Lily, thank you for speaking up for those of us who are flattered by and enjoy bright colors. I’ve also observed the preponderance of muted colors, which are great for the right person, but I am yearning for some brights.
Mary – love the Egyptian jewelry color scheme idea!
Here’s a question for you all: how many of you wear a monochromatic or very color-limited wardrobe? I have to say that, even for a travel wardrobe, where I try to be very coordinated, I just have to throw in a few pops of color in the form of T-shirts and jewelry.
I have tried and tried to go more monochromatic, or at least not look like I have a “clown closet” (as my husband calls my myriad of colors). I almost succeeded and had it down to at least primarily neutrals, then last spring got hooked on rust/orange, and then just earlier this year bought some lilac. I cannot stay away from color. That being said, I realized just this morning that this week (by chance) I dressed in monochromatic outfits. Monday was navy, Tuesday was blue/lilac, Wednesday was gray/blue, Thursday was gray/rust, and today is all navy. The tops and pants were same color, the topper was usually a print – usually plaid.. still warm enough I can just wear my plaid shirts for some added warmth. Anyway, as I put on my all navy this morning I realized how peaceful it made me feel. Awesome for a Friday.
I love colour too. Last winter I wore monochromatic outfits with the bottoms and second layer of the same colour/tone – teal green, teal blue, purple, burgundy – and a coordinated patterned top underneath.
Great question, Book Goddess. I’m part-time monochromatic :) Only since retiring & discovering Janice’s blog, which co-incided about three years ago. When working, I used to wear black or grey bottoms, and all the colours that suited me on top (not all at the same time!), & a really appreciated the variety of colour at that time. Anyway, now the neutrals are navy, grey, off-white. When I got all the basics in these, including tops, which I never used to get in a neutral colour, I discovered I love wearing all the same colour! I think it’s probably because they are all shades that suit, e.g. I have blue eyes, fair skin, grey hair, so I feel good in them, particularly as I am now more muted. I do mix the neutrals together, and also have some lavendar, and green (variants of seagreen through to teal) accents. I recently did a three week housesit & had all my clothes on top of the dresser, and every single thing was blue or green; it looked like as ocean garden. I just don’t seem to need the variety any more.
I am the same coloring as you describe with gray~blue eyes and love wearing the colors of the sea!
I was a corporate road warrior for many years, and often barely had time to pack/unpack between trips. My closet was all neutrals to allow a “whatever’s clean” approach. I work at home now, and a few fun colors have snuck in, but my, they make wardrobing a lot more work. My default is still the neutrals (that suit Spring me) most days.
Really loving the last two posts. These wardrobes are fabulous. I think the plaid shirt in today’s is spot on and could see a second plaid in either olive or yellow that would blend seamlessly. I’ve seen some lovely cashmere sweaters in floral prints that would look great. I love them but have vowed to buy no more as I just don’t have enough cool weather to enjoy them. I’ll keep what I have but that’s it.
I think maybe it is a prank by the way or a bot?
I have been following this one on paper to see how many items I already have, but realised that I kind of don’t like it all that much. Too dark for my taste which is good to learn. With that said, maybe this wardrobe could benefit from adding a velvet vest or bolero jacket, velvet swing skirt and a pussy bow blouse with bishop sleeves for the winter. All are dressy for events, but could be dressed down too.
Hello Janice, I so love your capsule wardrobe suggestions and have packed for our upcoming trip to France in carry-on only ! Thank you !
Do you have any restaurant recommendations or suggestions that are near the Hotel Rochester, near the Arc de Triumphe?
Dear Cece,
I don’t have any – I haven’t been out of Illinois is three years! But maybe someone else has some ideas? I’ve never had a really bad meal in Paris, for what it’s worth…
This wardrobe has continued the vibe of the painting so well I feel like a
change to overly feminine styles would deviate from the feeling of the painting
But a beautiful navy velvet dress would be fabulous in this group Thanks so much for your work and sharing of your ideas ♥️
Janice, You’re so right, the Rothko wardrobe needs navy ankle boots. I wear navy most of the time so navy boots are my go to. However, they are challenging to find. I have a pair of Jack Rogers in suede that are a real favorite. Tommy Hilfiger has a pair in vegan leather that are good for rain or other wet conditions. There aren’t my favorite, but they do the job. I recently purchased suede Born boots. They have a narrow cognac strap that is nice with the navy. I’m still searching for a good pebbled leather in navy. I wear the colors in this wardrobe but choose rust/orange in place of yellow. I like the format of this month’s wardrobes. It is easier to really focus on one wardrobe at a time.
Hi all! Late comment here. I like this one the most for the style, not too dressy not too casual, and the navy-olive combo. But I agree that needs a bit more brightness, so yes to adding white/soft white here. Like most commenters, that plaid shirt looks great and some stripes would work perfectly!
Very glad you can resume your activities Janice, means things are back on track.
Cheers and blessings!