We took a look at this painting a few days ago, and my result was a very dark and subdued mix of burgundy and black. THIS version is quite a bit brighter!This is the same general scenario: a lovely woman who has to make a quick overnight trip for a (possibly) dressy event – wedding, dinner party, etc.
I’ve kept the jewelry and scarf from the previous iteration of this project, and black pants are still on the menu. But a change of coat, sweater, boots and tote change everything completely.
scarf – Sam Edelman; earrings – Kendra Scott; cuff bracelet – Alexis Bittar; tote
bag – Lodis
Just to refresh our eyes, here’s the painting with which everything starts:
Nature Morte by Georgette Agutte
But this time, I’m going back to an earlier version of the color scheme, that doesn’t include the very pivotal maroon/wine/burgundy/whatever color. This is all about the bright colors, and a strong thread of black holding it all together.
Same necklace, handbag, sweater and shoes; only 3 pieces have changed from the previous suitcase. But WHAT a difference!
This is a different woman from the maroon and black-wearer:
But she’s going to carry herself very much the same way at her dressy event – if she feels over-dressed, the necklace is tucked into the bag, and she is wearing simple black while at the table. And the return trip is a comfortable shirt and sweater…
To me, this demonstrates the range of possibilities available to each of
us to customize our wardrobes to suit our every preference. Here we can see the power of color, and the essential role that core neutrals play. You can also clearly see that beautiful accessories can be at home in a wide variety of wardrobes!
Shall I take one more pass through this painting and scenario?
Yes, please do. The painting is lovely and so are your ideas.
BLUE! Love that blue!! And I just adore a strong blue and a strong red together. My favorite version of that was the uniform Prince William wore for his wedding. I would LOVE to see what you did with the painting in this room: http://41.media.tumblr.com/12f94b15ce4c39130aed86ad7d5f0282/tumblr_neh361hmbc1qiynfto1_540.jpg All I can find about the artist is "Painting, Local artist in Hanoi, Vietnam" from Apartment Therapy: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/lisa-and-richards-cozy-and-modern-home-house-tour-202167
Need moar blue! ;-)
– Kaci
I'd love to see a focus on the mustard, rust & olive green. It is such a gorgeous painting. Each time I look at it, I see a different group of colors pop out.
Me too! would love to see those colors
"…this demonstrates the range of possibilities available to each of us to customize our wardrobes to suit our every preference." IMHO, this is the beauty of the TVF, and what sets it apart from all the other fashion blogs. Often I take a capsule shown here and substitute pieces that would fit my preferences. If I adhere to the building concepts, it always works. Genius.
Well said, Virginia, Î quite agree !
Yes!! My colours! Beautifully put together, Janice. That painting would make a luscious silk scarf!
Great example of the same painting and wardrobes inspired by it in two different tones. However, am I the only one who would never wear black to a wedding? I know that people do, but I think it's inappropriate. People wear all kinds of inappropriate things to weddings, funerals, etc. But for me, black at a wedding is a no-no, even a black dress with a colored jacked or sweater over it.
I never do either, but mainly because it seems less festive than other colors. From what I observe, the rule has lapsed. I've seen very rule-conscious women wearing black at weddings.
A couple of years ago, I went to a wedding. I had to dig through my closet to find SOMETHING to wear that wasn't black (like you all, I thought it was terrible to wear black to a wedding). Finally I find something (that didn't make me happy). Arrive at the wedding…was the ONLY person there not wearing black. Swear, that's a true story.
I've seen pics of weddings in which all the bridesmaids were in black!
I never wear black to weddings, but it doesn't bother me if other people do. Is the rule against red still in effect? Because I totally would wear a sparkly red dress to an evening cocktail wedding.
– Kaci
Oh, yes please!
Love the bright blues and reds. Never thought of putting those together.