One of the only blogs in the world that occasionally start with a random number generator…
The winner of the book How to be Pretty, though Plain, is Linda Becker! Dearest Linda, please email me at [email protected], and get your mailing address to me…
Now, on to a serious question about something I was planning for The Vivienne Files:
I’m going to clean out my scarf drawer, which means that I’m going to cut back the number of Hermes scarves that I own.
(1) are you interested in how this is going to be done? and
(2) is it okay, appropriate, not annoying, if I offer the scarves to you all to purchase before I throw myself on the mercy of Ebay and other venues? I’d rather sell them for less to you, than to make more money but have the scarves go to strangers. But I don’t want to be irritating about it.
But this what I’m dealing with:
The beautiful toile packet in the bottom right is full of scarves… It’s pretty overwhelming, and there are lots of beautiful pieces here that deserve to be out and about.
Share you thoughts, please!
IMNSHO: (2) is totally fair, but… I would like to see a post on how to wear/tie/use/store/etc scarves. I have *never* worn one successfully, and every time I try it looks try-hard, or doesn't work with the outfit, or I half strangle myself because I don't understand how to tie them. How do you adjust them to different necklines? Or necklaces? Or….
I've been reading a while and don't remember seeing a scarf-how-to or scarf-basics post, and they're such a core part of your wardrobes, so I'd love to know more!
Check out Mai Tai's picture book. Every conceivable way to wear a scarf alone, with necklaces, etc. can be found there. Lots of video tutorials too for those of us who need to see it done.
I would really be interested in the process of how you go through your scarves/wardrobe and decide what needs to be taken out and what stays and why. Any light on how the decision process works would be really helpful for all of us trying to put some order into our onw wardrobes, I am sure.
I agree. I would like you see how you work out what to keep and what to farewell. You have a also category labelled things for sale- a useful place to put these beautiful items you no longer want.
Yes. I'd find that very helpful, too. I love reading your posts about how you go about decision making. They are marvelous!
And on a purely selfish note, I am in the market for a new scarf so eager to have a source I trust. : )
Sue G
You bet…please post them for sale! You would be doing us a favor!
I am sure it wouldn't be annoying – so a 'yes' to both (1) and (2)
Never annoying. Always enlightening. Yes to both questions. Letting go is one of my challenges, so any lessons are greatly appreciated.
Deb from Vancouver
Well, I am certainly game for it. Don't know how much time I will have to play along, though. House sale closed yesterday, and I have eight days with 50% less square footage available to divest between storage and townhouse. But I am sure there is room for a silk scarf. :))
I would enjoy both! I donated a scarf a few years and really regret it, as the colors re-emerged in my closet and I'd love to have it. Since then, I've been reluctant to let any scarves go.
Offering to sell a few of your scarves to your reader friends is not annoying. On the contrary, I look forward to seeing those you would like see go to a new home! Thanks for thinking of us. Ann
Yes, you can sell your scarves here without being annoying. Other bloggers have done the same and it is always interesting for everyone. And yes, please write more about wearing scarves and how you do it. We would all love that.
The only part I find annoying is that it would be so tempting to buy one :~)! I have long wanted an Hermes scarf but find them intimidating because of the size and the silkiness, so it would be wonderful to have a scarf tutorial post and suggestions for how to tie and wear them. Thanks for checking in.
Yes and Yes!
It's not annoying; it's wonderful! It's hard to know if items on EBay are genuine. Through you, and your blog, that's not a problem. So it's a win- win, and really a great opportunity for us readers.
I echo the others with a double *yes*!
Er, well…no…it wouldn't be annoying and yes, to selling your scarves here, first. And yes, I'd love to read about how you plan to sort them out and let some go.
I think I need a cup of tea LOL
Before you sell any, are there any family members who would love one as a gift?
I vote yes to both questions.
Ditto what everyone else has said! Big YES vote to both questions.
Yes to both! Thanks in equal parts to this blog and the beauty of the objects themselves, I had wanted an Hermes scarf for years, but it never felt like "me;" mostly because I had utterly no clue how I might wear it. I took the plunge last year and purchased my first one through the Etsy/eBay retailer The Exquisite Artichoke, who offer an authenticity guarantee and a no-hassle return policy. And then I got to Googling: helpful webpages and Pinterest pages abound on how to wear Hermes or other square scarves, to make no mention of Mai Tai's lovely blog. And now I can't imagine my wardrobe or my life without one! They keep me warm in the climate-controlled (read: cold) special collections library where I work, they add pizzazz to my simple (mostly black) wardrobe, and they bring a bit of beauty into my life that is much appreciated. Bring them on!
I always love seeing your choices–in this case, both accumulation and de-accessioning. There are good lessons on both parts of the process, so thanks in advance.
Yes truly, making wise choices at acquisition and about letting go are equally important to a quality wardrobe.
Yes yes and double yes! I would love to get an Hermes scarf – especially if you have something with blue, turquoise, navy and or tan. Thanks for the suggestion!
Great idea, no annoyance whatsoever.
Hoping there are mousselines and GM cashmeres in your offerings. I love using large scarves/shawls.
It is much better to sell to friends (for less or no) when parting with things of elegance and personal history. While the majority of things I own, from scarves to shoes to linens to clothes, are from eBay—my favorite shopping mecca—there's something cold about it. Sell away.
Before you do, the requests for tutorials in incorporating and tying scarves seem important to many of your readers. Perhaps that is the gift you can give in return.
Yes and yes!
I would love to see what you have.
Scarf-challenged though I am, I vote 'yes' to both questions. I share frugalscholar's interest in your choices.
Yes, especially because you've done a few posts recently where you walk us through your thought processes. I'd love to hear how you work through the tough "what stays/what goes" path.
Sell away!
My sentiments exactly!
Yes to both!
I think it would be great for you to put them n here first. Might suggest that you let everyone know in advance when to begin to look for them to have a fair chance at accessing them. I'm not always tuning in and may check your blog once or twice weekly (I'm one of probably on two people left on the planet who doesn't check into a computer daily except for work). I do have my eye on the cream and black with gold accents!!!
If I were looking to buy an Hermes scarf I would rather buy from you than eBay.
I'd love to know how you decide what to get rid of. Since they are so small I just tend to keep every one I've ever had whether I wear them or not. I also think it would be fine to sell them here. For you I'm sure it would be nice knowing they've gone to someone who truly will appreciate them, and for us, it's a lovely "souvenir" of our experiences here on your blog. I'm sure the purchasers will think of you fondly every time they wear one of your scarves.
Yes to both.
I vote yes and thank you for the opportunity.
Yes to both. (But surely you won't sell those "Les Clefs"? They are in your colors!)
I wouldn't find it at all annoying, yes and yes to both questions. It would also be wonderful to have a scarf tutorial post.
Not annoying at all! Yes to both!
I think it is very appropriate and thoughtful of you to offer the scarves here first. Even pre-loved Hermes scarves are way out of my ball park, but it is still fun to look.
I think it is very appropriate and thoughtful of you to offer the scarves here first. Even pre-loved Hermes scarves are way out of my ball park, but it is still fun to look.
Yes to both!
Yes, should be fun!
Yes, should be fun!
Yes to both! NOT irritating! As a collector, I just love seeing what others choose from the million designs and colorways of Hermes <3
I would also love to see the de-accessioning process, and maybe I could apply it to my other accessories as well. I've been dragging my feet on getting those organized.
Of course I'm am interested in seeing what is for sale. (The black with jewels scarf and the tan and red gothic tracery -possibly a rose window- caught my eye in the picture above!)
I'm looking forward to your parameters for getting rid of things and how you choose among the many things you have that fit those parameters. I'd also love to see examples of how to tie such small square scarves. I gave up on square scarves years ago because they make my large top and short neck look even bigger and shorter than they already are. I stick with long, slender scarves that can be washed. In fact, I have fewer than 5 things in my closet of any kind that can't be washed. Finally, I know it is absolute heresy here, but I have never seen a Hermes scarf that I thought was even a good design, much less beautiful, so I would never pay the kind of money they sell for just because of the brand name. They are too formulaic, fussy, formal and old-fashioned looking for me. So I'm interested in seeing what you will be selling. I'd love to be surprised and be wrong about this!
I have to say that it makes me really happy that you DON'T like Hermes scarves, but still feel like being a part of our conversation and sharing your thoughts. There is no product or service in the world that is meant for all women (except mammograms, maybe), and you reminded us of that!
big hug,
I own exactly one Hermes scarf that I bought about 25 years ago in Paris. I love it and have worn it many times, and would love to have another one because of their beauty. But it doesn't get the easy carefree wear of others–the $65 one I bought at the Met Museum and the myriad ones I've picked up at Target and Francesca's, especially for summer. I sweat, I spill, and run into things so I keep the Hermes for office only. The silk is more beautiful than any other, but, well, more and more I'm feeling it's unconscionable to spend so much on clothing when you can be beautifully dressed for much, much less.
Sell away! However, if you have any left over from your private sale, you might try The Real Real for consignment. I got around $175 for the Hermes scarf I sold there, without any of the toil or unpredictability of an eBay sale.
I would love to buy your white floral scarf (top right of picture) if you decide to sell here.
cheers, Mary
Go for it!
:-) Oh, yes, please let us know how you sort through them and decide on which ones to keep and which ones to sell.
And yes, again, please sell them to us :-D :-D :-D
Have a wonderful week :-)
Leslie, send me a note and let me know what scarf you have ([email protected]). I might know someone who wants it, or we might be able to arrange a swap!
Janice, that would be fabulous! The scarf is L'air Marin. It's muted pastels. Let me know if you want me to send a picture. Thanks, Leslie
As a designer of scarves, I love and admire the work that goes into each Hermes piece. Would adore seeing what you're willing to share with us.
Not annoying at all!
I see it as an honor that you would offer your readers at chance at the scarves first.
Yes and yes, and please will you come and do the same for my wardrobe? I have a spare room, and mountains nearby……
I think all the comments above echo one thought….yes, sell to us, your readers!!
I would love the opportunity to buy a scarf from you. I bought a Hermes scarf in Paris and it's not really my style. I've been looking for a way to replace it for a while now. Thanks to Christine for the consignment idea too. Leslie
If you haven't worn it, there should be a little card in the bottom of the box that lets you take it back and exchange it. I was given one a couple of years ago and told I could change it if it wasn't me – and although the colour choice should have been good, it didn;t feel right, so I did exchange it. And now have a very beautiful elegant one that I love. But I still struggle to wear it, partly because I am terrified of losing it or spilling something on it (it is a light colour) and partly because it is such heavy silk that I can't quite work out how to manage it without accumulating bulk in the folding/draping.
I would rather you sell it to us as well (cheeky, I am). What are your price points? Do you deal with PayPal?
Yes please! You have lovely taste and I would relish the opportunity to scoop up some of these lovelies! Love the idea of you designing a capsule wardrobe around the offering!
Please do share your process and the scarves!
Thank you,
Your thought are always enlightening Janice, so I too wiould be interested if you document the whys and hows of the decision-making. And thank you for giving your readers a first look at what you decide to sell. Having bought a beautiful necklace from you last year, which I give a little squeak of love to every day whether or not I wear it, I know what a pleasure it is to buy from you. Robyn x
Emphatic yes to both. I'm looking forward seeing how you decide on which to let go and if there was a capsule and storyline too well that would be simply eeeeeeeeee ! Thanks so much for your blog posts Janice they're my daily dose of sunshine.
I'd love to learn how one decides which ones go, among so many beautiful choices. And I love the suggestion of building capsules around them! My wardrobe budget is very modest but I still love to check out your site and I can always "translate" your work to a much more casual, in-the-trenches-with-kids style :)
I am in agreement with everyone else. YES to both.. :)
I'm not sure you should be de accessioning your scarf collection! For me having a huge range of beautiful scarves (not all Hermes) allows me to have a much smaller wardrobe. I find I can tap into new colours easily and although I hate not wearing all my clothes I don't mind so much with scarves. I often re fold my collection and rearrange by colour or material or size depending on my mood. I guess I still have fun with collection and perhaps that's not the case for you. I have never given away a scarf and still mourn a feather silk one that fell from my neck unnoticed…
I believe this is a win-win situation. My suggestion: choose a scarf each week that you are interested in selling and design a wonderful capsule wardrobe around it, then wait a day for everyone to have a chance to see the post and comment if they are interested in purchasing that week's scarf, then random generate a number to decide who will be the lucky buyer.
What a splendid idea!!
An excellent idea since we are spread out throughout the world and get our emails at different times.
Yes, please! And if you have Le Voyage de Pythias in blue, I'll buy it now.
I think it's brilliant that you wish to share with us your process. It must be challenging to purge some of your past purchases especially because of the memories associated with each one. It would be great to read about the process and also to have the chance to purchase a gently used lovely scarf from you. It is always a pleasure to read your postings and we look forward to many more. Cheers!
Oh, yes, please! And thank you! xo
Please offer, it is not a bother.