December 31, 2021
An Expert in Medieval Flower Illustrations…
You know, those flowers that appear in the ornamented capital letters at the beginning of a manuscript chapter?
Or in the dividers between sections of a breviary, or other sacred document?
She knows why that particular flower was chosen, and what it means!
It’s a niche bit of study, and she is the acknowledged master of it!
From the time she chose her thesis topic (a few years ago, to be honest!), she realized that her wardrobe made a great deal of sense if it was the black of print, the ivory of old paper, and the shades of rose and lavender that are the colors of most of the flowers. If they were colored, of course!
So when she travels to academic conferences, or anyplace else, she has no trouble packing…
This conference is being held in JANUARY???? Who thinks of these things? And it is being held in a legendarily cold place – the meeting rooms of a University that’s been around for hundreds and hundreds of years. Central heating and tons of hot water are NOT to be expected…
So? Fleece, and sweaters!
Black fleece dress – Lands’ End; tights – Hue; pink crystal earrings – Short & Suite; turtleneck – L.L.Bean; scarf – Mocomoco; tote – Johnny Was; boots – Splendid
She’s only there for a couple of days – thank heavens – so she can pack pretty compactly…
Lavender plaid scarf – Arctic Fox & Co.; lotus brooch – Charter Club; cameo earrings – Vintouch; round earrings – Ted Baker; butterfly earrings – Ninemoo; kunzite diamond bracelet – Shar Oke; pink pearl earrings – Talbots; lavender pendant – Lele Sadoughi; pink turtleneck – J.Crew; violet chalk tee – L.L.Bean; ivory turtleneck – Lands’ End; lilac cardigan – And Other Stories; black knit corduroy pants – Lands’ End; plaid scarf – Talbots (sold out); black flats – Naturalizer; bag – Loeffler Randall; black velvet skirt – J.Crew
She’s the first person to admit that she has kind of a serious earring “thing.” The world is full of lovely earrings in her favorite colors, and they are tiny to pack, so why not bring a nice assortment?
There’s a distant possibility that there will be at least 1 “break-out” session in someone’s office, which at this particular university means a suite of rooms that resemble an apartment from 300 years ago. These rooms can be over-heated, if someone goes nuts with the fireplace…
But she surveys her wardrobe, and feels confident that has all of her options covered:
Once she is immersed in conversation with her fellow academic types, she doesn’t want to pay too much attention to how she is dressed! So long as she is warm enough (or cool enough)…
Seldom will a vocation and a wardrobe complement each other so well!
p.s. Eight years ago, I showed how Dusk Blue (a Pantone Spring 2013 color!) could work as an accent with a navy and grey serious corporate wardrobe. It still works!
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So glad it’s not Covid (so far. I’m in a similar situation. All the symptoms, but first test was negative. Taking all precautions.
Another great capsule. It really IS all about accessories.
Hope you feel better soon. Happy New year to you and your loved ones.
I could easily live with this wardrobe if I swap the black with grey. Lovely as always.
Oh my goodness Janice – the Salamidoggy inspiration for that scarf motif is just too rich!!! I love it. And thank you for the tights in these accessories. I need all those details filled in for me some days. Love the lotus brooch, too. And the lavender sweater. Okay, love this post!!
I am glad you were feeling well enough to do a column today. Please take care of yourself first.
This was a beautiful capsule and an interesting story. Thank you for making me smile.
? I immediately thought of Beth T when I saw this! Or even my own wardrobe. That being said, I’m pulling back on all the purple in my closet and trying to introduce something new. Very lovely wardrobe, and a couple of months ago I would have been all over it. I think you featured the Arctic Fox plaid scarf in your Six Scarves with the purple ruana, I was tempted then, and even though I’m pulling back on purple, I”m tempted now! Selfishly, I”m glad you were well enough to post. Your blog is just always a bright spot in my day, as well as all the comments! Cheers everyone and Happy New Year!
? I must admit that I am reaching purple saturation point. In fact, I’ve reached saturation point with my entire wardrobe. I seem to have every colour and shade in the Soft Summer palette represented somewhere during the year.
It is so unseasonably mild at the moment that I’m wearing the lighter colours that I would normally wear after Christmas. I can pass clothes by in the shops but I do add to my costume jewellery to add variety.
Which colour are you introducing to your wardrobe this year?
Happy New Year!
Some of the posts Janice did recently with light blue, gray, and even camel were so pretty I couldn’t resist. I already had a fair amount of gray and even camel/tan, so I started collecting some light blue. Jury still out if it’s one of the BEST colors I can wear, but I like it. Also a smattering of green – as she added items to the Mt. View Scarf, which I own. I have green eyes, and green really makes them pop, but oddly I don’t wear it much. Pulling back from red and purple. My wardrobe was very limited in accent colors – red, purple, a little pink, a little yellow (which always cheers me up)
I’m glad that you are feeling well enough to give us this delightful wardrobe. These soft lilac and lavender colours, along with the dusky blue of the look back, are the colours I wear when I’m not feeling well and need cosseting. Hope you feel much better soon.
I am so glad that you are feeling better!
What an absolutely gorgeous post! Wishing I could wear those colors. I hope you are feeling better soon. Thank you for all the helpful, interesting and fun posts you have put ut together. Happy new year to everyone.
Another beautiful capsule and interesting story. I am fascinated by the Medieval period and have spent a few vacations visiting Medieval sites. The colors they used were so vibrant.
Welcome back, Janice! It is nice to end the year with such a beautiful post.
I am really pleased that you felt well enough to compile this post with such lovely colours. It brightened my day, thank you.
My new life goal is to become an expert in medieval flower illustrations. So I can feel entitled to wear that gorgeous earring collection. And get to go to conferences and chat in freezing cold 300-year-old offices.
I’ve started on this quest as well and already have a book list on Amazon in the subject matter :-) Also reading anything I can find online. See you at that conference!
This seriously happened today after I posted that comment: I was at an antiques market, browsing used books, and I saw a copy of Stumpwork Medieval Flora by Jane Nicholas. I thought, that’s probably a book this heroine would be writing, not reading!
I actually majored in Medieval & Renaissance studies with a focus on literature, and can recommend the spectacular manuscript collection at the Culture House in Iceland. They don’t seem to have a virtual tour online that I can find, but when researching, definitely keep an eye out for that work.
Just love the pin and the cardigan and turtleneck sweaters; maybe it is the textures and bit of sparkle I crave.
Happy New Year and wishes for good health.
Since there’s a post today, I’m hoping that means you are feeling better! This is a lovely ensemble today. Sub navy for the black and I’m all over it! My goal for 2022 is to introduce a bit more cool green and teal into my wardrobe. I have plenty of purple.
I tried to email – unsuccessful – so I’m leaving this comment here.
I started getting two messages – same e-mail – December 24 (The 2022 Scarves!).
Thanks for all you do!
I even get 2 copies of the email! I will as my technical peeps to see if they can sort it, but it seems intractable right now…
Happy New Year,
Me three.
Jeanne, me too! I thought I had just goofed, so I hit unsubscribe on one of them today. I”ll wait to see what happens with the next post.
Janice, Have a blessed New Year!! Yet, there are pieces I’m considering buying here!! Thank you for all the hard work you do for this site!! You lift me up when I’m down so many days!! I’m sorry you have physical problems and I do as well so I really understand when you must rest!! I pray for you!!
I hope since you posted that you’re feeling better. Gorgeous post today, and since I don’t think I’ll ever be purpled out I could happily live with this. Wishing everyone a new year of health, love and lots of laughter.
Absolutely gorgeous! What a nice, calming, beautiful start to the year.
Prayers for a healthy 2022 for Janice and all!
This is such a lovely palette. And I love the story that goes along with it.
Wishing you & your family the best of health & good fortune & lovely times together in the new year!! Thank you for your blog- your posts are so enjoyable!
Dear Janice, I hope this post means you’re feeling better. Happy New Year! Best Wishes for 2022!!
Beautiful but I hope you feel better soon Janice! Happy New Year to you and yours and to this great bunch who post in here all the time. May all of you have very happy years ahead!
The Pantone Colour of the Year 2022 is a new colour called Very Peri
(PANTONE 17-3938). In other words Periwinkle Blue or purple in some lights. This is what the blurb says on the Pantone website:
“Displaying a carefree confidence and a daring curiosity that animates our creative spirit, inquisitive and intriguing PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri helps us to embrace this altered landscape of possibilities, opening us up to a new vision as we rewrite our lives.”
Just about sums up Janice and the VF followers!
I’m delighted that at last purple might just be popular again.
I might just die of happiness if purple becomes easy to find in stores. That, or bankrupt my household!
Happy New Year,
Janice, so glad you’re doing well :) This post is lovely and as usual the story just wraps up the beautiful things you show. I’d love to reed short stories to know more about our dear heroines!
That being said, I wish you and everyone here a blessed and healthy 2022. Happy new year!!!
Lovely wardrobe and I hope this post means you are feeling better. Happy New Year, everyone!
Lisa P