Scarf – Hermes Petit Duc, taupe pearl necklace – Alexis Bittar, sweater – Helmut Lang, tweed skirt – Eastex, boots – Naughty Monkey, cord and pearl necklace – Nikki Baker, shirt – Entre Amis, cardigan – Sofia D’Hoore, jeans – Notify, short boots – Mint Velvet
Yes, I’ve included three dresses in four months – partly to show the range of colors that are possible when using this scarf as inspiration.
Scarf – Hermes Petit Duc, carnelian bracelet – Neeru Goel, dress – Hobbs London, brown clutch – Mary and Marie, iridescent pumps – Jimmy Choo, sweater – Chloe, earrings – RewindVintage Affairs, taupe trousers – Maxmara, shoes – Keds
Scarf – Hermes Petit Duc, fluorite earrings – Kai Kittima, dress – Roberto Collina, watch – Debenhams, turquoise sandals – Spring Step, leather and silver bracelet – Henry Anthony Sanny, sunglasses – Balmain, brown dress – Gentryportofino, brown sandals – A2 by Aerosoles
That ice blue is so pretty and I never would have paired it with orange! Finding a fabulous print in a scarf is so helpful. Stay warm and safe up there!
It's a steampunk Hermes scarf! LOVE IT!! Also love the pairing of the sneakers with the sweater and trousers.
So pretty. Love these colors!
Inspired and inspiring, as always. I especially admire and marvel at the way you manage to make these accent colors so chic and so subtle that there's not the slightest invocation of Howard Johnson!
I agree.
Summers in E.TX can be brutal, and actually dresses & skirts can be much cooler than pants, so I am enjoying these suggestions for both dressy & casual outfits. My favorite today is June – really classy – and one that would carry me well into September !
Amusing–that's the only one I don't like (too little structure, too much brown)… Goes to show how different we are!
This is such a marvelous selection… Hermes scarves almost never work for me, but this one is so modern, with enough delicacy and understated vivacity to really grab me. Love the warm/cold work on this wardrobe so far. Beautiful choices!
Red/orange does not work for me in clothing but my living room features shades of orange/blue-green. Love the combo!
Love, love, love this! Am already moving in the gray/turquoise direction, but would not have thought of "burnt orange" as a touch. A million thanks.
I really love the opportunities to work from one scarf. This is a favourite palette throughout the year.
I really love the outfit suggestions based around an Hermes scarf. I have 3 scarves, all received as gifts, and find one difficult to wear. Its the "Carpe Diem" scarf in blue and yellow and I find it rather bright, any suggestions on how to tone it down?
Dear Mindo – the bright blue or the navy? If you can send me a link to a good image I'd love to tackle it.
Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE that orange Hobbs dress!
Also I have a lovely celtic knot print silk scarf which I find very hard to style and wondered if you had any suggestions.
I love what you did! The ice blue – also seems turquoise to me – and that has been a core color for me for years. I love the pairings that you are doing.
I'm a 50ish professional woman, on the heavy side, but have always loved color, but have gotten stuck in a rut because at the place I work the women dress very casually – jeans and T shirts, or black everything!
I've always dressed a bit more dressy, but got stuck with the black pants/skirts/tops. Black does not look that good on me. Ever since I found your blog several months ago, you've shown how I can get out of the black rut, and take some of my fabulous scarves and make work appropriate and travel appropriate capsules.
I'm also being much more strategic in my buying –
I'm always inspired when I come to your site! Thanks for helping me move from being frumpy to professional!
I love that scarf and these combinations! Very nice!
I'm going to Southern California next week for business and will be packing based on your wonderful examples!
Don't ever apologize for including dresses. It is always a lovely and easy way to dress. And a dress can be VERY versatile as you have often shown us. Besides, isn't this a blog that teaches well dressed with a French chic inspiration? Keep them coming.