May 9, 2022
Years and years ago, I shared with the world my secret for how I get dressed on those mornings, when everything goes wrong and I don’t even want to THINK about clothing…
Right now, our weather is madly uncertain – it’s been a cold and wet spring, but I think that in the next few days, summer is going to arrive with a vengeance.
How to prepare? I can’t just open my closet door and hope to make sense of a complete change of seasons…

Image – Lis-Marie Liden
So I’ve sorted out a wee wardrobe cluster, all pressed, hanging in 1 place, and ready to go!
Dove & Rose scarf – PJ Studio Accessories; thorn necklace – Dominic Jones; thorn earrings – Alexis Bittar; navy tank top – Lands’ End; cardigan – L.L.Bean; tee shirt – Lands’ End; navy chinos – L.L.Bean; print tee shirt – Lands’ End; cropped pants – L.L.Bean; ballet flats – Geox; sandals – Strive
You can choose any 6 garments that work well for you, but I would always suggest that you include a 2nd layer, like a cardigan, and a pair of long pants. This is the perfect outfit for those days when the temperature is cool-ish in the morning, but is going to be medium sweltering by lunchtime!
Six is an easy number to prepare; you have enough options to truly feel like you’re ready for anything.
And don’t neglect your accessories – this particular heroine is feeling a little bit… prickly? today, and her jewelry delivers that message!
If your favorite neutral is chambray, but you don’t want to wear it head-to-toe, you can always include a few garments in another neutral, like ivory!
Don’t discount the merits of having a couple of dresses ready to go, if you’re a dress woman. There’s no easier way to get out the door in a hurry!
Maybe this heroine is feeling like taking a bite out of someone today?
Striped tee – Boden; snake earrings – In Cauda Venenum; ivory cardigan – Tommy Bahama; snake pendant – Wolf and Zephyr; floral tee – Bobeau; chambray dress – L.L.Bean; scarf – Max Mara; chambray ankle pants – L.L.Bean; striped dress – L.L.Bean; ballet flats – Sam Edelman; sandals – Style & Co.
Still plenty of ways to get out the door…
My personal version of this is – you’re shocked, I know – solid black. I live in the city; black is appropriate every day of the year…
And THIS heroine is going to sting someone if they get too close!
note the lacy texture of the cardigan, with the tie-front; sometimes, these details make it seem that you put in some effort!
Bee pendant – Giani Bernini; V-neck tee shirt – L.L.Bean; small scarf – Vetka; bee earrings – Saks Fifth Avenue; tank top – L.L.Bean; tie-front lacy cardigan – Topshop; Cupro dress – J.Crew; cropped pants – L.L.Bean; shorts – L.L.Bean; ballet flats – Saks Fifth Avenue; sandals – Dolce Vita
Some mornings, underwear and a dress are ALL I HAVE THE PATIENCE TO HANDLE!!!
Maybe a cardigan…
I don’t suppose I need to point out that this would be a 2 minute, completely brainless way to pack for a weekend, do I?
p.s. My weird affection for owls isn’t a recent thing; back in 2018, I added accessories to an “owl-based” wardrobe! Nothing is off-limits if you love it!
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If I opened my wardrobe and saw that mess, I think I’d stay in my PJs for the day and reread your blog posts on Decluttering! The big lesson I learnt early on from reading your VF posts was that neat and orderly wardrobe and drawers make dressing an easy and less stressful prospect.
I would probably choose the calming chambray with accent shades of pink and lilac to cheer me up.
A few weeks ago, I consigned most of my polo tops and thick jumpers to the loft. Long sleeved tops and lighter coloured jumpers came out. Last weekend, it suddenly warmed up, so my short sleeve tees and thinner knitwear came down. I shall weed out some of my longer sleeve tops and replace with short sleeve tees. I would like to get to the stage of having a year round wardrobe available without having things in the loft. For that I would need to take over my husband’s wardrobe and his chest of drawers. So I’m grateful that he is happy to go into the loft two or three times a year. Even in summer, I still keep a couple of thin and light coloured long sleeve tops in my drawer just in case the temperature plummets 10C overnight.
J’ADORE !!!!
Quelle (très belle) simplicité !!!
Quel magnifique sens pratique (comme toujours) !!!!
Bravo, Janice !
I’m with Beth T, what a mess! 😂 I also put away a lot of my heavier darker sweaters, but the long sleeves, sweaters, and layering shall continue on. Coldest April since 1979, and so far in May every day but one has been up to 10 degrees colder than normal. And wet. So my main challenge right now is finding things in lighter colors, but still warm. Layers are my friend. I do wear black as one of my neutrals, but if I wear it head to toe too many times a week I find myself getting depressed. Also like Beth, I find the Chambray wardrobe the most appealing to me – and I wear dresses frequently when (if) it’s warm out. Thank you Janice!
Very good post and suggestions.I’ve tried having clusters at the ready this past spring/summer in Australia. It has worked pretty well. One does have to take the time to put clusters back together after wearing/cleaning so they are ready to go again. It is late autumn now, and time to work out the winter ‘go to’ clusters, and stow most warm weather clothes. I may photograph each cluster for quick reference.
Thank you!
Taking photos of your wardrobe clusters is a brilliant idea!
This is such a helpful post!
While I love clothing— most of mine is for “special occasions” and I tend to wear a pared down capsule like this most days.
On a totally separate note, I was “playing” with the 6 scarves wardrobes the other day and found that phone cases might be an additional accessory to fun with. I rarely wear scarves but always have my phone handy and feel a sense of serendipity when it matches my outfit or my surroundings.
Thanks as always for another thoughtful post.
I discovered this a couple of years ago and now I have a phone case (and co-ordinating PopSocket) for each season! I always look forward to the seasonal change. has a massive selection of phone cases.
I used to have clothes for work, clothes for best (church, theatre, restaurants etc) and clothes for special occasions (birthdays, Christmas, celebrations). Then I realised that the majority of my clothes stayed in my wardrobe worn, at most, once a week or some items, just a few times a year. I rarely got to enjoy them but they took up a lot of space. Why? A cull was necessary to pare it down. Now, I just have a few items for best and special occasions as they are worn so little that repetition doesn’t matter but cost per wear provides a better return. The bulk of my wardrobe is now something I can enjoy everyday.
Oh my heavens! That looks like what I had when I started the sort and get rid of process. Actually, mine was in storage totes and garment bags…but it was 25 years worth. The big ‘pitch out party’ sent 6 bags to charity…but I still need to get rid of more. Ultimate goal is to have about 150 items including the special event things. Stress dressing sounds about right for the week shaping up. Anyone have good suggestions for how to deal with extreme hot flashes that leave one’s clothing soaked & non-repeatable? I’ve always done a repeat on trousers and 2nd layers, but…
Hot flashes are horrible. Wear loose cotton that can be easily washed and quickly dries.
I don’t have a wardrobe solution for you, but clary sage essential oil really cools down a hot flash quickly!
The hot flash issue with clothing is real. So I stock up on t-shirts, but I count them as one item. So I have 5 duplicates of the items I sweat through. Still allows me to have a capsule wardrobe but I don’t run out of the basics.
The edgy accessories in these capsules gave me a good laugh…I definitely do know the feeling!
The chambray set is my favorite here…I liked the inclusion of ivory/white and prints. As usual the navy one appeals also, and the navy-based floral T is right up my alley.
Janice, you outdid yourself with the scarf in the black capsule. I LOVE it in that wardrobe.
Hi Janice and Everyone! Great post and discussion. I have found when it’s time to pack clothes away to switch to another season, I set aside about 6 pieces of the same color(-ish) in the crazy event it turns 70°F in January or 20°F in July (both have been known to happen around here). That usually means a set of olive pieces as tank top, print top, shorts/capris, and short sleeved top on hand from Nov – May, and a black turtleneck, long sleeved tee, pants, and blazer/sweater the other 6 months. I learned from TVF back in the day that one should have at least one capsule of various pieces in a single color – believe me, it works!
I keep out all the items in my neutrals (black and navy) the entire year. If the weather becomes too erratic I can always figure out something that way.
Karen, thank you for replying on my question. Good to know how others count the neccessary changes. Maybe I can still do 150 for a year if I count your way. Thank you.
One third of my closet is year round navy, black and with white shirts. To that I add spring- summer colors from the guest room closet, or autumn -winter. My sweaters are in an armoire year round, so easily accessible. My denim is folded on a closet shelf, so always accessible and tees are in a drawer, always accessible, too. Scarves are in pretty boxes with a window. My closet is organized by color. My rule is nothing new unless 1-2 items are donated.
I loved the clever accessories! :) The snakes especially. I think some combo of the navy/chambray/denim groupings appeal to me. I have a pair of chambray pants and denim ankle jeans that I have started to rotate in with a navy tank and navy short sleeve tee. I vary my cardigan colors, but cardigans are my passion so there are several to choose from. I also have been wearing my new leather flip flops around to start breaking them in and trying to make things feel like spring! I have a little mama bear necklace (a bigger bear with four little bears that have the initials of my kids) and some simple faux diamond earrings that match my wedding ring that I wear when I can’t think about jewelry. Thanks for this reminder that I have what I need I just hadn’t really thought of it that way!
I think this is a great way to start a hot weather wardrobe!! I do it in linen and a few cotton pieces. I mostly live in linen from now until October here in Arizona because it is either hot to hot, hot, hot 115 degrees. I have discovered after living here about 30 years that this is the only comfortable way to live and still be chic!!
I find that outfits/uniforms are the way to go for me. The coat cupboard side of the wardrobe and the top rail in the main cupboard has all my coats and jackets with a bottom hanging on the same hanger. The bottom rail has all my blouses and tees. I do have some other bottoms that have cardigans as a third layer that don’t get hung so these are folded on shelves together with jumpers that are worn with the heavier coats in the cold weather. This is my entire year round wardrobe as I have no other storage so lightweight jackets are paired with light coloured trousers etc. If I have a scarf that I prefer to wear with a particular jacket its also folded over the hanger. It’s easy to grab a hanger from the top rail and a suitable top from the bottom rail each day. Thanks to Janice I have pared down the contents so most things are interchangeable although I will admit to having a couple of Mavericks that I won’t part with just yet. Now if someone has a good idea about how to organise footwear I will be pleased to learn.
This post was extremely helpful. This year, I am replacing my worn navy core pieces which consist of a mismatched range in shades that I don’t wear together. I decided to select all my new pieces from Lands End in their Deep Sea Navy shade which is lighter than their Radiant Navy to reduce the stress in dressing. I find Lands End to be more consistent than other brands, including LL Bean, with matching shades from one piece to another.
Jackie, I really like this idea. Deep Sea Navy is so much softer than Radiant Navy. If you don’t mind my asking, what accents do you use and do you have a second neutral. Not being nosy, just trying to get ideas, as color combining always gives me trouble. Thanks!
I appreciate the quiet ferocity of today’s heroines.
I am still pulling out my cashmere sweaters but have put away my warm-lined jeans, and today I had to swap out my [faux]fur-lined doc marten’s because they were making my feet sweat. And then my coat was too hot so I took it off, and then got chilly and had to put it back on. And the forecast this week looks like more days of the same. But I was thinking it’s time to pack away the heavier sweaters and bring out the cotton blends. Slowly, but surely, eventually…
I live in a house that has a master bedroom with an attached room off it designated office/sewing room/nursery on the 1936 plans. People are now using them as walk-in closets. I have standing racks for clothes that are out of season and keep what has just passed or is coming up temperature-wise at the forefront. This has been such an unexpected joy in this house after our last house had one closet total added to its orifinal closetless design in its nearly 200 year history. You just never know what you will have to work with and your ideas help a lot. Thank you!
This post was very helpful. This year, I am replacing all my old, mismatched, core navy pieces that I never wear together. To reduce my stress dressing, all my new pieces are from Lands End in their Deep Sea Navy. I find Lands End more consistently matches colors from one piece to another than other companies, including LL Bean.
The weather in Ireland is still as unpredictable as ever. Saturday I had linen shorts and a linen shirt and sandals on. Sunday a t shirt and a light pleated skirt with sandles. Today back to jeans tshirt sweatshirt and trainers. Even put on the heating for a couple of hours. I love the days I can wear my Summer clothes have lunch outside and pot up some plants and just potter around outside. Makes me feel better that you in the USA have the same problem with what to wear.🤣