August 28, 2020
I think that I might be posting on my old “Monday, Wednesday, Friday” schedule for a bit; it’s all going to depend on my energy levels!
But let’s talk about pretty things, eh? One of you requested a wardrobe based on this most wonderful bracelet…
Voyage to Amsterdam – Fierce Lynx Designs
I would LOVE to be able to capture that soft, misty blue in garments, but it’s not exactly common! So we’re going to enjoy the cheer and beauty of what we CAN find, right?
Voyage to Amsterdam – Fierce Lynx Designs
Yes, We Will Take the Ferry…
And drive the rest of the way to Amsterdam. He has so much stuff to move out of his dorm room that we will want our car as well as his…
It feels like they JUST moved him INTO the dorm… but things change, especially this year!
mask – Lele Sadoughi; Iznik scarf – PJ Studio Accessories; heart earrings – Wadarat Supasirisuk; lustrous blue cashmere sweater – J.Crew; sweater fleece jacket – L.L.Bean; tote – Sole Society; watch – Skagen; cotton pants – L.L.Bean; crossbody bag – Saks Fifth Avenue; loafers – Børn
It’s not going to take us long – we can get there in 1 day, spend a 2nd day loading (and then going out for a REALLY NICE dinner), and then the 3rd day drive to the ferry, and then home. It just seems further because it’s another country…
white seersucker shirt – L.L.Bean; silver & sapphire hoop earrings – Suzy Levian; faceted chalcedony earrings – Shanker; enamel twist earrings – Talbots; necklace – Bianco Milano; marled tunic sweater – Lands’ End; silk scarf – Nordstrom; cotton turtleneck – L.L.Bean; corduroy jeans – L.L.Bean; face mask – Poppy + Sage; tweed cashmere cardigan – Nordstrom Signature; boots – Børn; ballet flats – CC Corso Como; shirtdress – Uniqlo
When she chose the bracelet, she didn’t know that one of her offspring would go to school in Amsterdam. She didn’t know that she would have to travel there – repeatedly – within just a few months. But she DID strongly suspect that she would assemble some kind of travel capsule wardrobe using these colors!
She won’t have to do much for heavy lifting, nor driving, really. She’s more there as a detail-checker, cheerful presence, and loving companion to her partner and her not so little boy…
But as one should always do before traveling, she checked that she will have at least a few outfit options:
It’s not the travel that she wanted, but it’s the travel that she gets!
p.s. Six years ago, I answered a couple of questions about the origins of The Vivienne Files!
Like this wardrobe? Save it to Pinterest!
Glad to have you back! Stay well and 3x week is fine!!
The Iznik scarf is gorgeous! You could make an even larger wardrobe capsule including the pink. Love it.
Just for interest, Kettlewell Colours has a few items in “Dutch Blue.”
Hi Janice. Posting 3x a week is okay. We all need to be mindful of our health, especially now. I love this wardrobe. I already have a bracelet similar to the one here, maybe it will serve as some inspiration for fall.
I really like this wardrobe. BTW, I ended up with that dark grape cashmere sweater, and the Tree of Life PJ STudios scarf in purple (on sale) . THANKS!
Sheila, J Crew’s cashmere sweaters look nice online. Can you comment on the quality/sizing?
As soon as I have it!
Love Fierce Lynx bracelets. Thank you for introducing them to us. Last summer I was on a cruise to Amsterdam, wearing this bracelet. This year, I bought North Bound to wear on a Columbia River Cruise. Oh well, maybe next year.
I have finally learned a few ways to tie a scarf on a collarless top..but you show scarves with dresses and shirts with would you tie them. It is always very clunky when I try. Thank you…and this a such a lovely bright post..take care of your health!
Nancy, I’d recommend checking out Mai Tai. A google image search on MAI TAI SCARF WITH COLLARED SHIRT brought up a lot of options.
Both her blog and her scarf tutorial page are definitely worth a look:
This bracelet reminds me of the Irish coast at the Cliffs of Moher, in Ireland. The colors are inspired by nature.
Thank you, love this color palate. If 3x a week works for you that’s great.
I have had great success planning travel wardrobes around a bracelet. This bracelet resonates with me as I am of Dutch heritage. I would include grey and denim to my capsule. That luscious blue sweater is gorgeous!
Yes! I was thinking charcoal gray and denim as well. Also I have found some lovely Delft blue and white china earrings on Etsy – they’re so pretty! – nancyo
Hi Janice and everyone: I can vouch that the marled tunic sweater is warm and looks really nice with leggings. I have two myself. PS Janice: a three day workweek is fine if it refreshes and energizes you. We will keep busy creating 4×4 capsules from your suggestions ?
Beautiful! I particularly like the marled sweater and both scarves.
Oh how I wish I could go over the The Netherlands for a short break. It’s the one place I have really missed visiting this year. BTW the bracelet is gorgeous and anything in blue is a winner with me. Hope you feel better soon, take care.
Trekking back and forth with student offspring and their ‘stuff’ is something I’ve done many times. Now it’s all self-catering in the UK you have to hire a van to move as they accumulate SOOOO MUCH! After the initial journey when they first go, my ploy is either not go at all or to offer to open doors, guard the car against traffic wardens, clean the place or buy food!
I love the colours of Delft pottery. Sadly, my Delft pottery bracelet fell off my wrist a couple of weeks ago. ?
I’m hoping that I will find it in my house, once it is back to normal.
For I’ve had my son’s stuff from his university house piled high in our lounge for eight weeks, even on one of the sofas He couldn’t get a student house for next year due to Covid-19 restrictions. Thankfully, he has now got a house with his friends – done online so I hope it’s as good in reality as the photos. He’s going back to university next week but it’s going to take two car journeys. I’ll go on the second journey and then we’ll take him on holiday with us.
I’m glad you’re refreshed a bit Janice, though I really wasn’t expecting a post till next week, so this was a lovely surprise to find tonight. Three posts a week is quite enough for anyone. I like the sense of anticipation.
Thank you so much for all your ideas and inspiration that have uplifted us all. You’ve done a huge amount for world well-being during the lockdown. Now its time for you to take care of yourself and your Belovedst. As a fellow Fibro sufferer, I know how tiring the pain and fatigue are.
Big hugs Xx
big big big hugs back at you!
Love the posts whenever they come. Please take care of you. We’ll be here. :-)
Thank you! This was my request and you delivered spectacularly! I bought this bracelet as a consolation for a canceled trip to Amsterdam we had planned for this past summer!