At last, some local recognition. I like the fact that you saw an opportunity and grabbed it immediately and that your reticence for not appearing in your blog has actually turned out to be one of its strengths. I personally like the fact that readers can suggest ideas or ask questions and they are very often answered or included in future posts. It feels very interactive which I love.
Oh Janice! This is wonderful. I’m one of your readers from the days of the original Yahoo group and started reading the day you posted about your blog. How fun to see this acknowledgment of your wonderful progression! Congratulations!
Great article — and I have to agree that your blog has helped me to re-think my whole approach to a wardrobe. I buy less but better quality (many times from Ebay or thrift stores). I feel better dressed and get complements on my “style”. I also love Paris and travel and can’t wait to read each of your posts. Thank you — you have inspired me to find a new me….
Yay! Well deserved, Janice! Congratulations and thank you for giving me a fresh perspective on wardrobe building and being more thoughtful on how my hard earned dollars can stretch!
Terrific article and well deserved recognition for what you do! It’s something unique about you and your artistic expression that allows everyone who stops to look, to learn & think about the art, about living better, about choosing quality over quantity and about conscious self expression. Appreciate you Janice! You’ve made my life better and definitely more fun by what you do!.
Congrats on a great article.
Lightbulb moment for me; you don’t post pictures of yourself in the outfits you create. I think that is why I learn so much. I am not distracted by how you look and I can picture wearing the outfits or selecting from my own closet and adapting.
Yes, this is part of why it works so well for me too. And I love the stories of “our” heroines. Congratulations, Janice, it’s a good, clear interview that I trust will entice more readers to the VF.
Loved the article, and the wardrobe featured there is one of my favourites. I was a member of the Yahoo group and have a couple of files still in my computer. Well done!
Thank you, for several years of pleasure already! Yours is the first website I visit each day (every other day!) and the one site I enjoy the most. Many many thanks for the beauty you bring into my world, and I bet a lot of other worlds too :D
Bravo! Well done!
Congratulations, Janice!
At last, some local recognition. I like the fact that you saw an opportunity and grabbed it immediately and that your reticence for not appearing in your blog has actually turned out to be one of its strengths. I personally like the fact that readers can suggest ideas or ask questions and they are very often answered or included in future posts. It feels very interactive which I love.
Oh Janice! This is wonderful. I’m one of your readers from the days of the original Yahoo group and started reading the day you posted about your blog. How fun to see this acknowledgment of your wonderful progression! Congratulations!
Congrats Janice! Hopefully you will gain many new followers.
Lovely article about a lovely lady!
What a nice recognition, Janice. Congrats – and thank you for all your thoughtful work on the blog. I read every post.
Great article — and I have to agree that your blog has helped me to re-think my whole approach to a wardrobe. I buy less but better quality (many times from Ebay or thrift stores). I feel better dressed and get complements on my “style”. I also love Paris and travel and can’t wait to read each of your posts. Thank you — you have inspired me to find a new me….
Congrats, Janice! Hope the story brings you a slew of attention.
Your blog, Janice, has helped me with wardrobing so much, I don’t know where to begin! Congrats on your recognition!
Yay! Well deserved, Janice! Congratulations and thank you for giving me a fresh perspective on wardrobe building and being more thoughtful on how my hard earned dollars can stretch!
Congratulations Janice. Great article and story! Passion realized and recognized. Can’t get better than that! Happy Healthy Holiday! All the best, Sue
Terrific article and well deserved recognition for what you do! It’s something unique about you and your artistic expression that allows everyone who stops to look, to learn & think about the art, about living better, about choosing quality over quantity and about conscious self expression. Appreciate you Janice! You’ve made my life better and definitely more fun by what you do!.
Congrats on a great article.
Lightbulb moment for me; you don’t post pictures of yourself in the outfits you create. I think that is why I learn so much. I am not distracted by how you look and I can picture wearing the outfits or selecting from my own closet and adapting.
Yes, this is part of why it works so well for me too. And I love the stories of “our” heroines. Congratulations, Janice, it’s a good, clear interview that I trust will entice more readers to the VF.
Fingers crossed! I’m very grateful to anyone who refers readers to The Vivienne Files!
Loved the article, and the wardrobe featured there is one of my favourites. I was a member of the Yahoo group and have a couple of files still in my computer. Well done!
Brilliant and well deserved. May 2019 bring you abundant Joy.
Thank you, for several years of pleasure already! Yours is the first website I visit each day (every other day!) and the one site I enjoy the most. Many many thanks for the beauty you bring into my world, and I bet a lot of other worlds too :D