Okay, it’s not really chaos – I’m just having some blog issues. Many of you noticed that my Blog List magically disappeared, so I got to wrestle with that…
And then there’s the whole brown wardrobe question. It’s difficult. Really, really difficult. Those of you who love wearing brown know what I’m talking about!
Today’s also my mother’s birthday, so I’m going to frankly neglect The Vivienne Files for a few hours and hang out with her; she’s visit me right now, and I’m going to take advantage.
So let me leave you with this photograph taken yesterday, just down the street from Chez Vivienne Files. To me, this is a reminder that you can adopt any color scheme in the world that you want! Many of us are old enough to remember the admonishment that you NEVER wear pink and orange together – clearly the tulips did NOT get the memo…
Be yourself. I’m finally coming to grips with my innately tomboyish nature, and sturdy, “built for action” physique. Svelte I am not, but solid I can claim! And I shall do so… gradually…
Happy Birthday to your mother! It's my husband's birthday today, too. I hope you both enjoy your day.
I put on an orange teeshirt under a coral pink sweater this morning and took it off again. Seeing the tulips, I wish I hadn't.
I have a muted coral jacket, which I love. IMO it goes with everything in my wardrobe. Coral is a neutral! Though I must admit I wouldn't wear it with matching coral pants. Linda M
Happy birthday to your Momma! It is my mothers birthday as well – she's in South Bend, so not too far from you.
I love your description of "built for action!!!" It is so important to be kind to ourselves and love the miracles that our bodies are – and to dress them lovingly….. in coral and pink or purple, or black and white.
Love your blog. Best wishes always.
Enjoy your mother, absolutely. I miss mine a lot.
I love orange and pink together.
Also not svelte nor willowy, yet not overweight. Solid is the word. It should be enviable, no?
The journey to self acceptance .. one of the hardest things I've tackled.
Solid is a description I too can embrace! :-)
Enjoy the visit with your mom.
While I look forward to your site each morning, take off a day, take off a week! Enjoy your time with your mom. You will never look back and regret the time you took off work to be with her. Happy, happy birthday.
Yes, Janice, enjoy your day with your mother. These times are precious. I lost my mother at age 14 and so family comes first. I have a truly lovely scarf that was given to me that features pink and orange. I wear it in the spring with my beige and khaki things, it makes me happy! Have a lovely birthday day. Take time, as much as your mom can handle! ❤Janice Collins, Washington DC
I echo the sentiments above about Mom time and a very Happy Birthday to her ! My mother is 93, and time is stealing her memories, so enjoy each of your mother's birthdays and other days as well !
No worries on the brown post, I'm very very accustomed to the challenge !
It is not neglectful when you are nourishing your mind, body, soul. Everyone needs to take time off from work. I believe how you earn a living is important, but how you live your life is MORE important. Sometimes we tend to forget that our actions speak louder than words. Many times I've told a loved one "just a minute" and then hours zipped past. I am not proud of how I made them feel. Choosing to spend time with your mother validates that she is more important to you than work. May you both enjoy celebrating her special day!
Happy Birthday, Janice's Mom! Thank you for giving us your wonderful daughter! May you both have a lovely day.
Dear Janice. Enjoy your time with your mother, as it's so precious. I still miss my own mother and treasure all my memories. We'll be here waiting (im)patiently for your brown wardrobe post! Sending you both hugs. Sue
First: happy birthday to your mom! I hope you had fun (I live in Europe)
Second: I just thought of sharing something with you. I have been following your blog since December and I love looking at all the pretty clothes and trying to define my style while still paying attention to practicality and sustainability. However, as you mentioned earlier, there is no truly random wardrobe that you create here, because despite aiming for variety, your own style will always shine through the collections. After a few months of observation, I realized that you probably are quite tall and have a straight figure, because I am the opposite of that (short and curvy). It was an 'Aha' moment to see you mention here having a tomboyish figure. I have been suspecting it, since most of the outfits that you have on the blog would make me look fatter than I am, and they would be just out of proportion on me. I am not saying this as criticism, since I have been very inspired by the ideas that you share here (that's why I stick around :) ). I was just curious if you have noticed this yourself, and giving a kind suggestion for a capsule with a more curvy/feminine figure in mind.
Thank you for your great work.
Vivien (yeah, that's my name :D )
I'm 5'4", a solid 145 pounds of muscles and balcony, with thighs like tree trunks. I'm so short-waisted that I couldn't wear a belt for any amount of money, and my legs are disproportionately long… Thus, I like a good dress more than anything in the world! It's complicated, but then who isn't? So I'm medium short, curvy/solid, and have a sort of physical attitude of being able to do anything, including lift a small car if necessary. I think we have to include our overall way of carrying ourselves when we analyze our image; I'm a strong, tomboyish sort of critter…
I wanted to be Giselle….
Oh well, sorry for the assumptions. We are actually the same height and weight then, I just have a Boticelli type of full, soft and round figure that I finally begin to accept. Wasn't fun to grow up in the 90s with the heroine chic being the most desirable. I guess it takes time for most of us to come to terms with our figure, but it is so worth it.
Thank you for your reply and have a nice day.
Vivien- I am built similar to you. Also 5'4" but rounder yet. But as it seems you are implying, I also need to wear belted items, fitted waists and such. So I do not look at the actually clothes that Janice posts much (unless she is doing the really girlie Floral ones!) but I've studied for hours on the "composition" of Janice's collections… how many shirts v covers v bottoms… how many lights v darks. Stuff like that. And I whole heartedly agree with "buy less, buy better"
Thanks for all your blogs, Janice! x
Me too, I also do not look the actual clothes that Janice presents, and there is so much to learn and absorb here that proved to be so valuable! My fav tools are starting from scratch that I do each season, and also 24 pieces that is easier to do.
Janice, thank you so much for eveyrhing xoxo Sania
Yes! Be yourself, and love the self that you are at any given moment. I always thought I was too skinny when I was young (imagine!!) and now that I have a very, let us say, rounded figure, I have to keep reminding myself that every size and shape has its own beauty.
Happy Birthday to your mom!
With reference to the brown dilemma — how about letting it go for now and revisiting it in the Fall when there may be more possibility of selections to review ? The retail market is really aimed at people who wear black. I wonder if that is a flattering color for a greater percentage of the female population, or just a convenient dye lot to sell?
I will keep revisiting it every day for 15 minutes, until I get some traction with brown. I really hope that it doesn't take until autumn; people who love brown should be able to find summer clothes too. But you're right; dying things black is so easy – other colors require some finesse, which doesn't seem to be something that matters much. Eileen Fisher does a color called Bark, which I'm going to keep hunting…
That's why I default to tan and stone colors in the warm months, with some olive and light denim blue thrown in. I've been hoping to find some culottes in a bronze tone , or a greenish bronze. Wish me luck !
Hope you had some happy time with your Mom !
I am a color analyst… the dark neutral most forgiving on everyone is navy. Some versions are more clear and bright v dusty and soft, or some seem to have a slight greenish hue (autumn!) but it's navy. :)
Janice- I agree that each "seasonal" palette seems to be most available in its matching season… but this *is* retail.. so autumn browns are currently on clearance. And will come out again featured in the autumn. Which starts when in retail-land? June? July? LOL.
I hope your mother has a wonderful birthday. I think she needs a bunch of those beautiful tulips!
As someone who shops for brown apparel, I do know how difficult it is. Coldwater Creek is the best site I've found that carries items in brown (and other autumnal colors) all year. I recently found a pair of summery brown crinkle cotton pants at the Serengeti site, and even though I am trying not to buy too many clothes this year, whenever I find brown pants I usually get them just because they are so hard to find. Good luck with your search, and I am hoping you can link me to some new sites with brown and other autumn colors clothing!
I have a favorite summer floral skirt with those colors. And, because of you, it goes into my closet with matching sweaters and tops that can be worn with the rest of closet items.
When the going gets tough….hang out with Mom! What a perfect prescription for you both! Enjoy your beautiful day together. :-)
I applaud you for taking time to celebrate with your mother on her birthday!
May there be many more…
I hope you've enjoyed your day with your mother. Those are times to cherish.
Coming to grips with my physical shape has taken most of my life thus far. Let's all celebrate what we are!
Thanks for tackling brown, Janice.
In 1967 I made a sleeveless empire waisted dress from fabric that was orange and pink. The top part was small polkadots and the bottom part was narrow stripes. The psychedelic era!
I hate to mention this, but it seems that your blog list has disappeared again, apparently gobbled up by an ad! The heading is still there, but only an ad shows up beneath it. Maybe it will return on its own? I hope you kept a separate list of those blogs just in case!
KiKi loved the flowers, she signed flower, pink and orange. As you well remember, daddy's favorite comment about colors is everything goes with green and brown because that's how the flowers grow! Of course, bless him, he was so color blind, but that's another story for another time! Thanks for making sure mom had a good birthday!
Wow pink and orange together.
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