October 8, 2013
Who am I kidding – I will wear more than six scarves before the winter is over – there will be WEEKS during which I will wear more scarves than this. But these six scarves represent the critical categories into which my scarves seem to fall. None of them is still currently available – and I can only remember buying two of them at all clearly. I DO remember buying my pink scarf the first time I visited Paris (1998?), and being absolutely horrified with myself that I spent so much on a scarf. Now that I’ve worn it about 500 times, I no longer remember the price…

Mostly pink/blush colored scarves:
Halogen, La Fiorentina, Nordstrom, Nordstrom
Mostly grey scarves:
Vince Camuto, Nordstrom, Nordstrom, Nordstrom
A scarf that is black, white and warm!
Lucky Brand, String Theory, String Theory
A scarf that is black, white, and can be worn indoors. Sometimes, I just need the clarity of black and white in an otherwise very muddled world!
BP, Jonathan Adler, Julie Egli
A silk square in mainly neutral tones:
Silk by Bryony, Alva-Norge, Sabina Savage, Esther Bonte
A silk square in pretty colors (some of these would be like wearing a breath of spring around your neck in the dead of winter!):
Esther Bonte, Silk by Bryony, Silk by Bryony, Joanna Allsop
Lovely! I think starting to wear scarves has changed my life.
I almost didn't open this after reading 'scarves', after all the last one you featured is scheduled to be delivered today. But I'll be good today. I agree with you about the power of a great scarf. My first expensive scarf was purchased the same year my oldest son was born in 1988. It is still a thing of beauty. The son also. :)
I began to wear scarves in earnest when I discovered blogs about French style. I fell in love and now cannot envision most outfits without the addition of a scarf. If the outfit doesn't call for one, I will often tie a colorful square to my bag. It makes me feel put together and finished. Now, when I look around, I see scarves everywhere- on high school teens, as well as stylish matriarchs. And I will never tire of a single one.
I love that you could wear any of these scarves and simply change the entire look of a simple black or gray dress in a snap. It's honestly my 'uniform'…a simple dress and a scarf. It makes getting dressed so much easier!
I have collected scarves since I was about 13 years old…and let us just say that was many, many decades ago. I have more scarves than I have underwear, socks, or any other clothing items–combined. I am wearing one this morning that my son brought back for me from Afghanistan (and so very grateful he came back with it). So many of them hold a story…places I have been, people I met while wearing them, and like the one I wear today, gifts from those I love.
One of my favorite tales about my scarves was told to me by my now 30 year old daughter who said that when I was away on business when she was a youngster/teen, she would go into my scarf drawer and bury her nose in my scarves so she could "smell me" and feel as if I was with her. Brought tears to my eyes just thinking of it. Clearly my scarves are not just a style object.
What lovely stories. And what a great idea, to collect scarves from favorite places.
While I've always owned scarves, it wasn't until reading this blog and several others that I became a complete convert. Now, I actively pursue just the right scarf for my wardrobe and have even splurged a bit on several. I want to add some scarf accessories now. I am still a neophyte when it comes to scarf tying, but I don't think it really matters. Just wear the scarf and get the gorgeous color/texture/design into your outfit.
I am not a scarf wearer. They just never seem to look good on me. However I think they are beautiful and I totally appreciate them on others!
I started wearing scarves a few years ago. Now I can wear black clothing without getting comments–here in the color-loving South.
I would love to see a pic of all your Hermes scarves…
Those that say they can't wear black anymore, can…with a beautifully colored scarf!
I love these scarves, especially the black and white ones. Great blog!
I run hot and cold with scarves. Sometimes they just get in my way and I feel like I'm being strangled. How do you wear smaller, square scarves?
Pocket squares are nice, if you have a pocket. Otherwise, tied around the wrist like a bracelet, or on the handle of your bag, or folded diagonally and tied inside a shirt collar as a kerchief.
Some gorgeous ones, particularly blacks-and-whites, in the metmuseum catalog I got today. Good price, too.
A friend said today, of a fairly expensive scarf I was wearing, "But what if it goes out of style?"- but my scarves have held up far longer than shoes or most clothes.
I thoroughly enjoy this blog and await your daily postings. I am a person who needs color, but I love the monochromatic schemes to which I can always add my touch of color. At my age, the color makes me happy! I think I have the record on scarves.. One of my favorite scarves I got when I was 16 and am now 67!. It is a beautiful red and brown silk, with a touch of olive green and tan. A very unusual color combination which may be why I love it so much and still wear it! It has never been out of style!
Purty! I love the floral ones and the neutral ones.