Today’s the second birthday of The Vivienne Files. Looking back, I’m dumbfounded to see how much work I’ve done, and how very many kind and lovely people I’ve met. I could never thank each of you enough for all you’ve done for me!
To showcase the amazing images that have appeared on The Vivienne Files, I’ve changed the layout of the blog – just for today – to this Snapshot view that shows EVERY image that’s been on the blog for the last two years. Scroll down, and down, and DOWN to see every idea that we’ve shared in the last 2 years.
And to switch your view of the blog back to “normal”, to go the menu in the top left corner, just underneath where it says “The Vivienne Files”. The drop down menu gives you the option to change the view back to Magazine, which is how I usually show things, or back to Classic – the “normal” blog view.
Please – today – leave a comment. Let me know if my work has been useful or help to you. I do this just for you – to help, to improve your relationship with your closet. I hope it’s made a difference.
Dear Janice,
I like your blog tremendously and have found it always very inspirational. Please go on with it! Especially your series "What to wear with a scarf" was very fascinating to me – could you pick up on that with some of the current spring scarves?
Thank you so much!
Every morning I look forward to seeing what you have put up for the day. Your wardrobe and coordination ideas have been immensely helpful to me as I revamp my wardrobe for a new chapter of my life.
Thank you so very much.
Dear Janice, congratulations from Germany!
I love your blog; I try to improve my English and change my clothing style, both times you help me (sorry for bad english!!)
I've found your blog very helpful for my project 333. I've particularly appreciated seeing how you've managed your own project 333 in terms of number of tops, sweaters, bottoms, etc. Your style is very different than mine but this blog is still extraordinarily helpful in curating my own smaller, better wardrobe. Thanks!!!
Happy birthday! Your blog is inspirational and the first one that I check each day. I have told several people to check you out. I really enjoy the concept of what to wear on the plane, what to pack in your bag, etc. It has taught me to utilize better wardrobe planning while travelling and every day as well.
Happy Birthday!! Yours is the first blog I check each day…so many wonderful ideas/suggestions.
Happy Birthday! I don't think my posts ever show up for some reason, but I check in every day and gather inspiration
Oooooo, I may never leave my computer today!!! Thank you for your dedication to this blog, it has been SO helpful to SO many. I love reading about your Project 333 and am considering doing it myself in an effort to edit my wardrobe. Thanks again for the inspiration. xoxo J.
For once I am not # 1 or 2 when I comment in the mornings :)), but it might be a dead give away…
Thank you for your most excellent blog and all the hard work you put into it. I cannot even begin to tell how much more versatility I have found in my closet, how good it felt to donate everything that does not fit right, and last but not least simple clothes can be good, very good indeed. Happy Birthday, and thanks for the gift we receive every day. All the best, Cornelia
Your blog has been instrumental in my quest to simplify and clean out my closet and my life! I have hauled countless bags of clothes to the Salvation Army store and I haven't missed a single article of clothing that I have given away. Your blog has also helped me to determine which colors and styles flatter my coloring and figure the best. I am slowly going through and replacing what's left with similar but higher quality items as my budget allows. Every item of clothing I buy now has to answer 2 questions. 1. Is it one of "my colors"? 2. Is it well made and of high quality?
Thank you SO much!
Your blog has been SO helpful to me in planning my wardrobe. I hope you'll keep going forever (but only as long as you enjoy doing it).
Happy Birthday – from one of your many fans in New Zealand. I read your blog most evenings and find it beautiful, practical and inspiring (no matter that our seasons are the reverse of yours – the ideas, patterns and guidance are universal). I have culled my wardrobe to 50 items, and aiming for a common wardrobe+accents (75/25% split) of 33 items…but am taking a relaxed, organic pace with it & really enjoying the process. I'm currently on an overnight trip away, bought 2 clothing items with me…and my Mum said I look 'gorgeous'. I'm dressing smarter, feeling better and thinking about my clothes less – because I know everything I wear looks good. That's thanks to your wisdom, Janice. Thank you for all the hours you've spent sharing your insights – and your open, conversational, artistic style. Arohanui x
Blessings to you sweet Janice on your special day. You are making a difference! Even though your readership has grown, you still have the personal touch that makes us all feel like your special guests.
I just recently discovered your blog, after starting Project 333 in February. I find it very inspiring and vell put together. Keep up the good work!
Happy Birthday! I really love your blog and appreciate all the time and care you put into each post. :)
Your blog has inspired so many of us to pare down, and stop buying "stuff" and
dress attractively and fashionably. Love your fantastic use of color. Its the
first thing I look for each day on the computer and now have my daughters and
grandaughters hooked on it too. Such fun.
Thank you for all your work on this blog! I found the Vivienne Files just a few weeks ago and have been busy catching up on all your posts. It has been inspiring to me and I feel I have made a few small changes that have helped so much already. I'm so glad you show so many different color combinations, even colors that you may not want to wear yourself. Yesterday's combination of coral and warm colors was just what my daughter and I had been talking about a few days earlier. I look forward to your blog every day!
Happy Blog Birthday!
A visit to your pages is my daily treat to myself during my lunchbreak – it really lifts the day.
Your generous sharing of your ideas is inspiring a better relationship with both my wardrobe and my sewing machine. It really helps me to plan what I'm going to sew to get maximum effect for my efforts.
Thank you.
Happy Birthday dear Vivienne Files, happy birthday to you. I have found your hints on how to pack for travel a godsend. Also, your rational approach to wardrobe planning is such a relief, along with the fact the shoes you show are stylish without being extreme heels! So thank you again for all your work.
Thank you for all your work here! I found you rather recently, but have spent lots of time browsing and getting lots of ideas. Your work here has helped me think outside of my rut. I really appreciate the willingness you have for showing both cooler combinations and warmer for those of us who have a hard time picturing how to make things work in other colors. Hope you continue to enjoy doing this.
Happy Birthday! Your delightful blog makes me smile every day. Because of you and this blog, getting dressed is now like playing with big girl toys instead of grappling with difficult decisions.
And I LOVE today's layout. It's like looking at old family pictures. :)
May the sunshine warm your day.
Dear Janice,
Thank you for all the good work. I often use this or that of your ideas and incorporate them into my wardrobe. Not to forget, you did a great job with the bracelet I asked you to find some solutions for. It happened on date which is significant for me and it makes it easier to get back to it to check and build a summer outfit in the spirit of your ideas.
Thank you and keep the good work, Suzana
Dear Janice,
I found your blog several months ago and I've checked it every morning since. You've helped me look at my wardrobe in a new way. I'm starting to whittle down what's in my closet and buy better, not more. Thank you so much for all you do…it's much appreciated.
Thank you so much from France where I read you every day with great pleasure ! Like Jean, I work, in the same time, my english and learn a lot about style (yes! Even a french woman can progress very much with you help !). What a good way to learn english for a women who like beauty and style in all areas ( I don't know if it is the good word for say that ?)of the life (art, music and so on…) So,Janice, please continue to share with us all you know about a wardrobe simple and elegant. If you have the time for this and enjoy to do, please can you give advices for "petite femme" (very petite : 1,49 metre…sorry, I cannot translate in your size in USA,62 years old, retired…). Perhaps it is not "the day" for request…Happy birthday for the blog et merci beaucoup, Janice , pour votre générosité. Il fait un grand soleil ici que je partage volontiers avec vous et tous vos lecteurs ! Martine
I have only recently started reading your blog, however I love it. I'm inspired by your simple clothing selections and how you make them all so elegant with the perfect choice of accessories. I love the concept of Project 333 and am thinking about whether or not I could do it. Thank you for creating this special place!! Jennifer
Happy Birthday, Dear Vivienne Files!
I have pored through every entry since finding this blog, and have been inspired by many of the entries. I've participated in 333 several times, but my wardrobe didn't really "come together" until you showed us just how far a few well chosen pieces can take us. I am looking forward to another year – Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to write this blog! I find it very inspirational. I have cleaned my closet, reducing the number of items and, thanks to your guidance, still have tremendous number of outfits. Not quite at 33 but getting closer.
Happy Birthday, Janice (and Vivienne Files). I visit your blog every weekday early am, sometimes revisiting at night and am getting ready to do my "333" for summer.
Thank you for your commitment, dedication and showing us how to do more with less!
Thanks Janice for all your hard work! You have changed the way I look at clothes and think about my wardrobe. I hope you keep the inspiration coming!
Happy birthday! I love your work and how helpful yet humble you are. On the Vivienne Files it's never about your ego, as it is with so many fashion blogs. The wardrobe "strategy" posts are my favorite. You are totally inspiring, Janice. More power to you and onwards to the 3rd year!
Dear and Wonderful Janice– I've been there from the start and you've truly re-oriented my life. Not just the clothes, but the ideas behind them that motivate one's habits and choices. Thank you for your voice. Big hug–
Happy Birthday, I read many different blogs, but yours is the one I look forward to and put into use everyday!
hello, Janice,
I begin to wear my 33 since few days with your help ! Thank you a lot for your ideas : 'c'est chic et réaliste à la fois' !
A french woman
Happy birthday to your blog! I read it every day!
Dear Janice, Your blog is the first one I open EVERY morning. It is such an inspiration and helps me get dressed for the day and keeps me on target in my efforts to have a very functional minimalist wardrobe that is attractive and suits all activities. I have learned so much from you.. I absolutely love your blog. . Thank you so very much and Happy Birthday!
Dear Janice, Happy Birthday! Please be proud of what you have accomplished and please don't stop! In my opinion yours is THE #1 wardrobe blog and I feel the information would make a valuable book. Thanks to you alone, in one year, I have transformed my wardrobe: fewer, better, more flattering pieces, a cohesive, versatile wardrobe that cover all occasions and that I enjoy wearing. Amazing!!!!
Can't thank you enough. PS – One of my favorites is how to wear the black pencil skirt every month of the year…Laurie
Dear Janice,
Happy Birthday to The Vivienne Files. This is one of my first stops every morning and I am constantly amazed at what you manage to put together. I hope you continue to do this for a long time. All the best, Cheryl :)
Happy Birthday from another daily reader. I've been a fashion maven since the age of five (true!) and one of the things I like about your blog is how you beautifully create collections with a sense of style that look fresh and inspirational without being uber trendy.
I am in awe. Thanks for all your work.
Dear Janice, Happy Birthday to The Vivienne Files! I love your blog – and it's on the blog list for my own blog – so whenever I post something I can click straight onto it. You provide me with so much inspiration and I have noticed that my own wardrobe is looking so much better since I started following you. Thank you so much!
Congrats on an amazing 2 years! Please know that I have enjoyed reading your blog (So much work!!) and look forward to many more posts!!
Dear Janice,
Happy birthday to the Vivienne Files. Your blog inspires me. I love your arrangements and have sent many of my friends your way.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks for sharing yoru time and talents with us. Since I have been applying concepts from the blog to my wardrobe, the number of compliments I have received on how I look has increased exponentially.
Happy Birthday!
Happy happy birthday, dear Janice! I know what a labor of love blogging can be, and scrolling through all your posts for the past two years reminded me once again of how much time, effort and little pieces of yourself that have gone into each and every one. I think you are just fantastic and look forward to reading your posts every day. I appreciate all you do to help us become the best we can be. You are a fashion guru and should be doing this for a living. Seriously … I would pay you! Merci beaucoup for all you do and share! Many hugs!!
Your blog is first thing I read every morning and I check periodically through the day to read the replies and reread the post. This morning there were 10 replies at 6:41 and now there are 40. Get ready, dear Janice! You may learn something from us today! We LOVE YOU and we love this blog. I never post because I hate to be "Anonymous" and quite simply don't know how to change that. I started reading during the early months while researching minimal travel capsules. I quickly read the archives and have been a daily follower since. You have taught me soooo much and I have told many about your blog. I am a slow starter and still struggle to buy the very best and leave the rest. Those pesky clearance tags are magnets. Again, we love you. Happy Birthday! Debbie in Kentucky
Congrats on this milestone! I look forward to your posts everyday. You've inspired me to look at my closet with a whole new set of possibilities in mind. Thank you for your sharing and continued posts. I'll look forward to another year of wonderful inspiration.
Grats on 2 years of wonderful, inspirational postings :-)
Congrats on this milestone! I look forward to your posts everyday. You've inspired me to look at my closet with a whole new set of possibilities in mind. Thank you for your sharing and continued posts. I'll look forward to another year of wonderful inspiration.
Your hard work is much appreciated! Thanks for all the pretty pictures and great ideas.
Happy, inspirational birthday! My wardrobe is gradually transforming, as are my shoes and accessories and all for the better. Thanks and birthday bumps!
You are brilliant, kind, funny, generous and you've got great style!!! Furthermore, I don't know what I would have done without you.
Yours is the first post I check in the morning while I enjoy my coffee – your ideas have made me rethink about what works for me, what doesn't, how best to utilize what is already in my closet – and even better – to give away those things that don't fit the criteria. . . sure makes life easier when deciding what to wear today. You have a real gift for showing all of us on a budget classic, stylish outfits that aren't outrageously expensive.
Happy birthday! I love all the combinations of colors and neutrals!
HB2U! Yes, very informative and inspirational! Thanks for what you do.
Congratulations! Your posts have made me look at clothing differently. You are such an inspiration! Your blog is one of the first places I visit every morning.
Oh my goodness, Janice. You've transformed my closet, my suitcase–and my life. Thank you for being here; thank you so much for your extraordinary talents, energy, and fidelity to this site over these two years. I celebrate you and the Vivienne Files everyday!
I've been reading your blog for over a year, and have learned to concentrate on my best colors and concentrate on a more simple and polished look. Thank you, Janice!
Hi Janice, I absolutely adore your blog and it's one of the first I check every day. You make me feel younger, thinner, beautiful and happy – a positive tonic :)
Thank you for the obviously huge effort that goes into every post. My fashion goal is to own at least one Hermes scarf so I love living vicariously and stylishly through your blog. Best wishes, G from South Africa
Janice, thank you for all your work. I try to check in every day to see what you have done. I am a visual learner and seeing different colors and styles put together helps me to internalize what I've read about style and color. You have done an amazing amount of work and have put so much time and effort into it. I really appreciate it and hope you continue. ~Helen
Appreciate all the work you do. I am a daily visitor and refer friends to the site constantly. Happy Blog Birthday! May you see many more.
Congrats! Yours is the first blog I read each day and it has made such a difference in my closet and life. Yesterday I threw on a simple blue and gray outfit to go to the doctor and the nurse was going on and on about my blue bag and how pulled together I looked! People can't see that we have fewer clothes and colors in our closets – they only know we look coordinated whenever they see us. Thanks so much for sharing your time and talents so freely. It's much appreciated.
Happy Birthday Vivienne Files! You have opened my eyes to mixing my existing clothing in new ways. Thank you!
Happy, Happy Birthday to the Vivienne Files Janice! I have been reading your blog since early last May, and do not feel happy a day that I do not see your writings. It has changed my way of dressing, organizing, purchasing (or not, as you have greatly influenced that area of my thinking ). There is a great deal of other inspiration here as well, I enjoy perusing your archives as well. I am wishing you many more years to celebrate this blog with all of us, and also wishing you success with every endeavor you choose to undertake. You are so talented and creative, and bring so much pleasure to others with what you are doing. Cheers, Gigi
Happy birthday, Janice and the Vivienne files! God, how could I start… not only my wardrobe is more compact right now, but I think I dress much better than before, spend much less time in shops, have started to buy in thrift stores (and found great pieces)… I also feel much more conffident because of that.
Keep up the marvelous work!
Happy Birthday! I have been visiting almost every day for inspiration. I have a new career and few non-casual clothes, so your work on Vivienne Files has been a great help and inspiration. Many thanks and Best wishes!
Happy Birthday. I visit almost every day for my daily inspiration. With a mostly casual wardrobe and a new career, I needed a lot of help looking appropriate for work. And your work has been enormously helpful-and beautiful.
Many thanks and best wishes.
Thank you and hugs for every hour you spent on preparing each post purely for the pleasure of others.
Deb from Vancouver
Congratulations! I love your blog. Love looking at clothes and the color combinations you create. It's been very helpful to me in finding new ways to combine "old" things in my closet….especially color combinations I would never have considered before. I've also found this very helpful in my fiber arts…..painting and dyeing fabrics. In addition, through your blog, I've found other blogs that I enjoy following. So, you've opened up new worlds for me. Thanks a bunch.
Happy 2nd Birthday!!! I have to say, your blog has had the most amazing effect on both my closet and my self-image. Thanks to your guidance and examples, I've unloaded tons of useless clothes — and the guilt that goes along with them! Now I only have items that I really love, and that I feel great wearing, and that work well together. Your examples have always been so inspiring to me that I decided to try it with my clothes. Granted, my photography is, um, less than stellar — so I made little sketches of my clothing items, and now I love playing "paper dolls" and mixing and matching to make outfits I never would've thought of before. And also thanks to you, I've found LL Bean — great classic wardrobe basics!! They really should give you a commission…
Thanks so much for all your hard work!
Congratulations on having the favorite site for so many people, including me! I have bought less and spent more wisely. Thank you for your almost daily inspirations!
Happy Birthday to the Vivienne Files! I have been absolutely amazed at the volume of wardrobes you have shared with us. I have used your techniques and am loving it. The crazy eights have been so helpful and what I used to design my wardrobe. Thanks for keeping me on track with a small quality wardrobe!!
Happy birthday! (It's my birthday, too!). I love this blog and all it has done for my closet. I don't know how you come up with so many ideas, but I certainly do appreciate it!
Happy Blogiversary!!! Your posts are inspiring!!! Keep it up!!!
Dear Janice,
It's wonderful to be able to scroll down through all the pictures! I was able to pinpoint the moment I started visiting your blog. It was "Start with Art : Mondrian" on Aug 26th I think. Everything before that is unfamiliar to me. So I went back to see some of what I missed.
I visit everyday. I sew most of my own clothes, so planning is crucial and your wardrobe planning posts have been very helpful to me. I make about 2 garments per month, so that's 6 per season, or 12 for Spring/Summer for instance. Pretty close to one of your bakers dozens. I used to sew whatever inspired me at a given moment, but ended up with a very unbalanced wardrobe. Much better since I started sticking (more or less) to a plan. thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us!
Happy Birthday Janice! Love your blog and read it everyday from Australia! I am trying to get to my wardrobe being a good quality core with add-on 'play' accessory capsules that I can change from season to season, whim to whim… so sensible but who would have thought! And here in Australia SHOP ASSISTANTS say well you should see the Vivienne Files to see how you could work these kind of pieces further – now that is a pretty cool commendation! Really your work needs to be captured somehow… it truly is living art.
I read your blog every day and have been inspired by it in so many ways. Because of you, the colors I wear are more flattering now. Because of you, my wardrobe is much more lean and spare. Because of you there is always a beautiful shoe to put with every outfit. Because of you, everything I own has whatever it takes to make it into an outfit. Because of you, I have delicious accessories to make my daily clothing choices special. Because of you, I feel happy in my closet. Thanks for every moment of advice and inspiration!!!
I found your site yesterday and I LOVE it! It is just what I have been looking for. I have already shared it with my daughter and will share it with my favorite coworkers. What a wonderful blessing to share your ideas. Thank you!
are you kidding? Thanks to you I see color, and color-combining, in a completely new way! Not to mention I was able to do a weeklong business trip to LA with just a carry on suitcase. And don't get me started on your scarf recommendations….. keep up the great work!
Happy B-day to VF! I was already a huge fan of LLBean, and love to see how to up the style quotient of my wardrobe.
Oh Janice, there aren't words enough to thank you for the time, effort, patience and heart ache you devote to this amazing blog. I look forward to your posts everyday, and can't wait to see what new brilliance you are serving up to us – for free!!! – today. I have been especially inspired by your packing vignettes, which have taken me on three vacations and countless business trips this year with my companions all commenting " how can you travel so LIGHT???".
Happy blogoversary and congratulations to you! I hope there are many more years of sartorial genius to come.
Joyeux Anniversaire to the Vivienne Files and their peerless creator, Janice. I come here for the *eye candy* and inspiration. Vous êtes un trésor!
Dear Janice
I love your blog and really appreciate all the hard work you do to make clothes interesting and clever outfits achievable.
Happy Birthday to your blog
Happy Blog Birthday! This is my favorite. You present everything in such a clear, beautiful manner. Thanks so much for sharing your's and Vivienne's vision.
Thank you so much for putting the time, thought and love into this blog. I am 64, retired, living in suburbia. My clothing needs have changed drastically but reading your blog has helped me focus on what is appropriate for me, especially with colors. I'm not planning on giving away excess clothes (unless the color is wrong) but instead use attrition to winnow down all my choices. When I shop now, I'm carefully considering what I have and what pieces really fit. Thanks again.
Thanks you! You really help me look at my closet differently, and I enjoy getting dressed every day.
Dear Janice – Thanks for your hard work! Your packing posts are incredibly helpful to someone who travels too much. Your daily suggestions have encouraged me to whittle down my wardrobe to the few items that both fit and look great on my short, plump body. Let's give a cheer for simple and elegant! Fondly, Teresa
Happy birthday and thank you very much for your inspiring work!
I have just started following you over the past several months, really just starting reading style blogs. Someone has probably already asked this question. Are the pieces you post actually yours? Many bloggers pose in their outfits and I have not seen you in the posts I have viewed. I love almost everything you post. I am in my early 50's (can't believe I have to say that) and want to be age appropriate in my dressing but stay away from the frump factor. Thank you for all of the ideas you post. I know this takes a lot of time and I commend you for trying to help the rest of us! Congrats on two years of sticking to it!
I found your blog about a year ago. One of the first things I did was read through all of your archives to the very beginning. Along the way, I've pinned numerous photos from here onto Pinterest. When I'm not sure what to wear on any given day, I pull up those pins for ideas. Thank you for all the virtual guidance you have provided.
Happy Birthday blog!
I discovered your blog a few months ago and have been reading it daily ever since. I particularly enjoy the posts on your 333 and what you actually wore during the week, as well as posts about travel wardrobes, as I am recently retired and doing more travel these days.
Happy Birthday, Vivienne Files! I love your blog, Janice, and I can tell that you put SO much time and love into it!
I know that you've helped a lot of people to see the possibility and potential in their wardrobes. You have such a creative and inspiring way of re-mixing pieces and I'm sure you've given people many, many ideas that they can use in their own closets.
As for me personally, you helped me believe that I could do Project 333. As a fellow lover of fashion, color, and accessories, it was helpful to see how you interpreted the challenge and made it work for you. I followed your lead in just selecting garments for my 33 and leaving the shoes and accessories unlimited. So far, so good in my third week of the challenge.
I wish you many more years of success with this wonderful blog!
Happy birthday! Janice, your blog is the first one I open each morning, anticipating what new ideas you are going to present to us. You have inspired me to go through my bloated wardrobe and pair it down to essentials, using your posts as a template. The rest was sent to a local charity and hasn't been missed. What I ended up with is a wardrobe that works for me in ways that it hasn't in the past.
Your blog inspires me on a daily basis. While I have never commented before, please know that I appreciate the time and effort you put into make this blog an important part of so many of our lives.
Happy birthday to the vivianne files and congratulations on a wonderful and inspiring blog. Thank you, thank you,thank you!
Janice, your blog is a bright spot in my life every day. You have an extraordinary sense of color and all of your images are a joy to look at (even if they are not always MY colors.)
I only know you virtually but I feel like you are a good friend already.
Keep on bloggin'! xoxo Rose
Thank You! I have been working on improving my wardrobe and your posts are always an inspiration. On my last trip I incorporated some of your suggestions and was able to pack for 2 weeks in one small bag.
Sincere happy birthday! Yours is generally the first (sometimes I prolong the pleasure and save the best for last) blog I read every day. Thanks for the myriad of packing and wardrobe ideas. If I don't know what colour to put with what, I know I can count on you – you make it so easy to find! Looking forward to another inspirational year. Nan in Alberta
Happy Birthday! Your blog has opened up a whole new to think about my clothes, how I present myself to others, and what shopping means to me. I love the outfit posts and the more philosophical posts – those are some of my favourites. Thank you for the dedication, energy and creativity you put into this each day.
Are you kidding? Thanks to you, I was able to pack for a week-long business trip to LA with just a carry-on bag. Not to mention those inspired color combinations! And don't get me started on your scarf selections and scarf advice! Keep up the good work!
Happy Birthday! I love your blog and appreciate all the hard work you put in to engage, entertain and educate us – I look forward to another year of ideas and inspiration!
Today I went shopping. Because of your influence, I bought the plain navy silk shirt, instead of the cheetah-print.
Doesn't that convince you that you're helping the world?
Best wishes on your two year milestone! You have changed many more lives than I am sure you realize! My MBA class used your packing lists to prepare for our study abroad and I have been a fan ever since! I especially appreciate your ecological view toward fashion. I use your advice to help overcome my closet overload and pare down! Please keep up all the hard work for us!
Wonderful! Congratulations on reaching this milestone. I love your blog and recommend it to everyone I can. You include something for everyone. Thank you so much for all your work.
Happy Birthday! Your site is lovely, and I look forward to seeing what you're going to do each day. I've also passed the site along to my sister who travels a lot and she greatly appreciates your efforts. She wears a lot of black – she has noted that so many navies don't match and it's been easier for her to build her wardrobe around black than try to match one season's navy with another. I, on the other hand, refuse to wear much black (after too many years in black suits, I am now rebelling) and like your alternative color pairings. Thanks for all of your work!
I love your blog! Thank you Thank you Thank you for the wonderful work you do!!
A thank you seems insufficient. A round of applause is more appropriate.
A very Happy Blog Birthday to you and the Vivienne Files. Inspired, generous and just the best!
you inspire me every day!
Useful? Are you kidding? Yu have single-handedly improved my wardrobe and made me a better shopper. I love the Files!!
Love your blog! Thank you!
Congratulations dear Janice. Since I started reading your blog almost exactly one year ago my personal style has changed to better reflect who I am, because of all the help you have offered through your wonderful blog. In my own wardrobe I have applied "a classic is only classic if it works for you", I've discovered my favourite neutrals and my favourite colours and how to build capsules, I learned to accessorize my outfits, I learned how to wear shoes and boots as accessories, I bought a Hermes scarf, I learned to tie scarves in different ways, I have a clothing budget, I gave away all of the clothes that didn't work for me, I discovered project 333 and am working to whittle down the number of clothes that I have, I never look at high heels anymore, I bought a pair of statement boots with confidence, I cancelled the catalogues that used to plague my mailbox, I discovered pure cashmere, I've learned to love the clothes that other women look great in without feeling any envy, I pack a lot less clothing when I travel, my closet has less clothing in it but I have lots to wear, it takes me no time to decide what to wear, and I shop less. Because of you. Thank you.
Happy birthday! Yes, I really appreciate your work. I have a tight clothing budget so I can't afford to make mistakes, and sometimes that paralyzes me. You've given me a clear vision so now I feel much more confident when making a purchase.
Thank you, Janice! I am very inspired by your work. Keep it up!
Janice, I love your blog. It has changed my life, I am so much more confident in my self since taking your ideas on board. I am a New Zealander, so relate well when you speak of watching rugby, I hope you realise you are a worldwide phenomenon. XX
Happy birthday! I love your blog! Read it daily, your sets have helped me with my style choises. Katerina from Greece.
I entered a comment earlier, but did not see it published…and I wanted to let you know that my day is not complete if I haven't looked at your inspirational ideas. I have bought less and feel better about what I wear. Thanks Janice!
Happy Anniversary Janice! Your blog is a true joy to read and has helped me tremendously… when I am shopping I now always ask myself "WWJD" – and the "J" in this case stands for Janice!!!
Happy Blogversary! I found you thru project 333 and am now a follower. Thanks for all of your insight:-)
Your blog is one of the few that I read on a daily basis, no matter what! Your style and wardrobe philosophy has been such an inspiration to me as I head toward my mid-40s. Thank you for the time and effort you spend, and for bringing beauty and style into my day, (and to all your dedicated readers). Here's to many more posts and another great year!
Happy Birthday Blog and congratulations to Janice on such a milestone! I read you "first" every day and am inspired for the rest of the day. I'm gradually pruning and arranging my wardrobe and wishing, wishing for the lovely scarves that you showcase… just a dream, I fear. But I work with the concepts, using what I have so it's all good. I SO appreciate the work that you put in for US! Thank you very much. And what a fun layout for the occasion.
Joyce in WI
Happy, happy 2nd Birthday Janice! It's not only the inspiration you provide with wardrobe advice that I love – it's the observations about life attitudes and habits that you occasionally throw into the mix :)
Although here in Sydney, Australia we have opposite seasons your advice is relevant for every season. Thanks for everything you do to inspire us.
Dear Janice, congratulation on your blog's second birthday! I get so much inspiration from it – thank you :-)
Dear Janice,
you have made a big difference to the way l view my closet,and clothing choices. Like so many others, l look forward each day to your comments, and congratulate you on your second birthday. Please continue your wonderful work.
I love, love, LOVE what you do.
Many happy returns, Dimitra!
Thanks so much for your blog! I look here first each day to see what you have posted. It is an inspiration, but a practical one that is helping me to plan my wardrobe, rather than just wonder what to purchase or wear.
Happy birthday, Janice! I look forward to your post every day and it is so helpful and inspirational! I hope you will never tire of it although it obviously is a lot of hard work! Thank you for sharing your talent!
Happy Birthday! Every day, I look forward for your next post, they are so inspiring! Keep going and thanks for all the beautiful work.
You taught me that grey and navy DO go together: that is one of about fifty things I have learned from you!
However, I want to express how your blog, composed with consistency, flair and inspiration is one of the blessings that has aided me through a difficult two years in my own life. I know your post will be there. almost unfailingly, every day: bringing order and beauty to my unpredictable circumstances and I'm so very, very grateful to you.
Happy Happy Birthday to you The Vivienne Files – I read you every day, and am always inspired and motivated. The amount of work Janice puts into keeping you, and me, looking good is so much appreciated. BTW my favourite is the navy, grey, white, yellow – classic and bright.
Two amazing years! Congratulations. You have done so much work on these posts and given so many great ideas for dressing and style. So happy you are blogging. Looking forward to many more helpful and beautiful posts to come.
PS It would be hard to ever pick a favorite from your posts but I still think about the "Common Wardrobe" posts often.
Balance, beauty, practicality, perspective, imagination – I have felt supported in trying new ideas for my clothing, and in the life I lead beyond my wardrobe. Thank you for a great ride so far!
Happy birthday! Yours was the first blog that inspired me to start a new style journey. Before the Vivienne files, I couldn't see beyond the chaos. Thank you.
Your blog has been life changing for me and my friends I send your way.
Thank you for all of your hard work!!!
Your blog is the first thing I check each morning when I turn on the computer. It has been responsible for helping me find clothing colors that work best for me- like taupe, smokey blues, sand, grey. The clothes that I have purchased in the past six months are all interchangeable. You have provided me with a way of thinking about clothing colors that makes sense. Thank you so much and keep up the wonderful work!!!!
Happy birthday to the most beautiful blog!
Your creations inspire me and I pass it on to others and let it inspire them.
I'm getting much more mileage out of my wardrobe with just a few tweaks. You have really helped me view my closet differently and I've let go of things that didn't mesh or just didn't make me happy. Liberating!
Sarah in GA
Happy birthday! I discovered your blog about 4 months ago and you have helped me tremendously! Love the fact that you include accessories with the outfits. That's my downfall!
Congratulations! I love your blog. It's the first one I turn to every day, and it has helped me so much in planning my own wardrobe. I hope you'll keep doing it for a long, long time.
I found you just a few months ago but am sooooo glad I did. I have many new combinations in my own closet. I look better when going out. My purchases have been upgraded to higher quality. Thank you so much for sharing your time and creativity.
Happy birthday and THANK YOU! I'm another one who checks your blog every day, and looks forward to it as a treat. I especially love the travel wardrobes, six-packs, common wardrobe with infinite variations, and imaginary shopping for specific colors … oh, and your highlighting of accessories, especially Hermes scarves, their elegance and usefulness … so much to enjoy and ruminate on. You've been a huge influence on my own thinking about wardrobe and shopping (or NOT shopping), and I am the better for it. Please keep it up; your posts never disappoint! Chris
Happy Birthday for The Vivienne Files! I can't believe it is only two years old, your information and the way you present it is so helpful with great ideas and inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing.
Janice: As a junior high school teacher, there are many a night that I peruse your pages for a fresh spin on my wardrobe. I have two "Fashion Forward Friends" that share the same VF passion. We often email your pairings to one another; in fact, when you did the months, I would often choose an outfit or two for each of them, send them along, and see if they agreed to *wear* them. We have such fun. You will never know how many followers you touch!
Would you please explain the different ways to sign in here?
Janice you know you've "made it" when my husband wondered if he could wear his light denim shirt with his new dark wash jeans – would you approve?! I told him yes, you would and how nice he looked. Looking back over your two years I can see how much I have used your postings to good advantage – a big load of clothes that did not work for me anymore went off to the local Hospice Shop. Just helped a friend going to Europe on a cruise for the first time with her packing wardrobe – she said I should be in the business – no, I said, I owe it all to Janice and the Vivienne Files. Happy Birthday and many thanks for all the great ideas.
Dear Janice,
Happy Birthday and congratulations on 2 years of accomplishment!
I found your blog a few months ago and have found wonderful inspiration from the concepts and accessorizing.
I also took your recommendation and bought the Eileen Fisher black slacks for travel and they are truly wonderful!
I look forward to seeing your new post each day, so I hope you continue for a long time.
Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful celebration!
Best wishes,
Thank you for your daily inspiration. I discovered your blog nine months ago and eagerly went back to the beginning to read each of your posts. I have been doing a lot of traveling recently and your advice has been instrumental in helping me to pack properly. Through your guidance, I have been making investments in quality accessories which has ramped up my wardrobe. Still working on finding quality garments that fit properly and will last for more than a season or two. An eternal challenge.
Today happens to be my birthday as well, and I can't think of a better blog to share "my" day with. Thank you for writing a literate, visually beautiful, creative, and inspiring blog. May you continue for a long time.
Happy Birthday! I look out for your inspiring blog most evenings. I enjoyed looking through your "ask me a wardrobe" series as well as "crazy eights". I lose track of the number if times I have looked them up and printed them out to get ideas for my own wardrobe. :-)
Your current series is very helpful and I'm trying to choose a colour scheme to begin paring down my wardrobe then decide what other items to add in.
Thank you so much for your blog! Keep up the good work!
I just started following you a few months ago. Keeping doing what you are doing, I really appreciate it!
Happy Birthday!! I so appreciate all of the time, effort, and commitment in preparing the most informational and useful blog I read faithfully. I was so dreadfully stuck in finding "my style" after arriving in my 5th decade. Wasn't prepared to dress like my beloved grandmothers but obviously not comfortable wearing things from days passed. Thank you for reminding me the well-made classics with fun twists and accessories are timeless and always appropriate and never, ever dowdy!!! I have also found your packing suggestions and wardrobe planning for traveling invaluable. Many, many thanks.
Happy birthday! And thank you for doing such amazing work to showcase what accessories can do for a basic wardrobe. Thanks to you, I have recently purchased both coral and red sandals, coral flats, and a coral wrap & tee to go with my basics. I feel a lot more polished and put together when I go out. I just found your blog in the last month or so and read all the archives. I also appreciate your prompt response to comments and emails. Hope that you keep the blog going strong for many more years!
Happy Birthday! I have been one of your devoted followers since the beginning. I had so much fun going back through all of your posts remembering all of the happy times and inspiration that you have provided. I hope we can celebrate many more birthdays together!
Happy Birthday, to one of my favorite blogs!
Happy Birthday Blog. Thank you so much for all your hard work. It is the first blog I check on every morning. I am going to Europe soon touring round in a motorhome. While it will be mostly very casual I do need to factor in visits to art galleries, museums and cafes. I usually only take about 15kg of luggage (which isn't much) so I have been reading all your posts about packing and having a capsule wardrobe. I have found it extremely helpful.
Congrats from your fashion impaired big sister! Being a grandma has its perks, I can wear old ratty clothes because I'm more than likely going to be on the floor, or the ground before the day is over!!! You always had such a flair for fashion, remember the time you choreographed and costumed Nutcracker Suite??
Happy Birthday to the blog that is slowly teaching me how to take a few clothes and make a beautiful, functional wardrobe out of them! You are the link my mother was missing. It's too bad that she's not here anymore to learn how to do this. She would have adored you and your blog!
Happy 2nd Birthday Vivienne Files!!
My husband lost his job several months ago and you give me such inspiration to work with the clothes I have in my closet. I feel like I don't need to buy anything! God bless you Janice!!
Happy Birthday! I read your blog almost every day – am restructuring my wardrobe both because I've lost almost 100 pounds and am anticipating retirement… would love to see you do a plus size day, but I find lots of ideas, combinations and am whittling down the number of clothes day by day – you've inspired me to add more exciting accessories and focus on only the most useful pieces. Keep Going – we're counting on celebrating your next "birthday" with you!
Thank you for all of your hard work, your blog is on my Reader and am constantly inspired to look at the clothes I already own to dress with style.
"Buy a woman a dress, you've clothed her for a day. Teach a woman to dress and you've clothed her for a lifetime."
Or something like that.
Janice, thank you!
I love, love, LOVE your blog. Many happy returns, love, Dimitra.
Hate to be another anonymous, but have no idea how to sign in with a name. Have been following the Vivienne files for a long time; when I found you I went back through your archives too.
Cannot tell you how much I have gotten, get, from this blog. I get inspired, see things new ways, question the blog, argue with myself, try new things, and, sometimes, try to figure out just how you do what you do, even though I never will. You are not only incredibly talented, you have been incredibly generous in giving us, your readers, so much.
Congratulations, and thanks very, very much.
Nice work. I've just found your blog recently, but appreciate what you do.
Thank you so much for all the work you put into your blog. I look forward to reading it every day!
Janice, I am so incredibly grateful for the work that you do here. It is a labor of love and that is why it resonates with so many of us. I started reading a little over a year ago after my last pregnancy. My wardrobe was bits and pieces of what was left from my pre-pregnancy days 4+ years earlier. I had very few clothes and no sense of how to build a wardrobe. I started with your crazy eights posts and felt like I finally got it! I no longer buy what ever is on sale that fits. I have a plan that reflects my lifestyle and my self expression. I have found getting dressed to be a painful exercise my entire life, never feeling quite right for the occasion or comfortable in my choices. What you do here is a tremendous gift. To women, to the environment, to shifting our fast fashion paradigm. I really enjoy playing with clothes now. My wardrobe is still pretty minimal but I enjoy putting together new combinations with what I have. I am willing to spend more now that I see how much mileage I get out of a well crafted set of clothing. Thank you Janice! I read first thing every morning and still refer back to the "Water Dreaming" inspired wardrobe you created based on my request. I hope that you continue to find the time and inspiration to share your incredible gifts with us all!
Jen W
Janice, your creativity and dedication to your craft are truly inspirational. I credit you and you alone for helping me to transform how I think about clothes, and, more importantly, how I think about what my clothes say about me. I adore your taste and your wit! Your work has truly made a profound impact on my life–thank you! Happy Birthday, Vivienne Files, and best wishes for many, many more!
Lee in Atlanta
Happy Birthday! I've been following for at least a year and look forward to your daily posts! I don't know how you do it day after day – but we all appreciate you, your creative juices, your caring ways and your inspiration. I especially love your travel and packing wardrobe ideas! Thanks for all you do! Di
Happy Birthday, and thank you for the transformational thoughts you post so faithfully. I'll never look at my closet the same way again!
Are you kidding? I love your posts! You have helped me put together new combinations and freshen up my look with just a few new pieces. Thanks a bunch!
You are amazing and inspirational. My wardrobe is evolving, as am I, due to your efforts. Thank you. I wish you continued success. Happy Birthday.
Thank you for sharing this knowledge, showing the possibilities and inspiring me in so many ways
hugs Irene
Very Happy Birthday- I think you are brilliant. I could not pack w/o you. Please publish a wardrobe Bible based on the color wheel with seasons covered too! I would buy it and refer to it daily. I love the way you put things together.Keep up the hard work- we enjoy your efforts! Marsha in San Diego
I LOVE your blog Janice! I look forward to each post. Thanks for putting it all together for us.
Happy birthday.
Wow, that is fantastic – happy birthday :)
I especially like the different capsule wardrobes and 333 (esp. what you really wore!), though always interested to see what you come up with!
Keep up the good work…
Love, love, love your blog! Thank you for all of the work you do–your eye is so unique, and your taste is a breath of fresh air in the fashion "blogosphere."
Dear Janice,
I am packing for a trip to LA this weekend and have your blog in mind as I do. Want to bring a carry on, help take care of a baby, look cute in Silverlakr, and dress for warm weather? It's the VF approach to the rescue! I'm even thinking about my color story. It's such a far cry from how I used to go about dressing.
I adore your sensible and creative approach to clothing. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication.
Happy birthday! Love looking at your wardrobe combinations! Your posts have changed the way I pack and shop for clothes! Thanks for all you do!
Happy 2 years! I love looking at your wardrobe combinations! Your posts have changed the way I pack and shop! I am slowly incorporating more and more of your ideas! Thanks for all you do!
Happy birthday! Thank you! You're amazing…and you've helped me gain confidence in putting together a workable, chic, seemingly effortless wardrobe. I've gained in style and lost in self conscious, over thought fashion. Merci bien!
Thank you for all your hard work, Janice, even if it is a labour of love. It is so much appreciated by so many. I've never commented but did email you last year. You have opened my eyes to so many possibilities regarding colour, styles, accessories. Your blog is a joy to read each day. One thing that most impresses me is how you always take the high road even when comments are negative. You are a wonderful teacher! Congratulations and Happy Birthday to the Vivienne Files! Long may you write!
Hugs, Maggie
I just love your blog!
Happy Birthday, Vivienne Files!
Thank you so much for your posts, your time, your insight. My wardrobe is being slowly pared down to more cohesive, more "Me" choices. Happy Birthday to your blog, and hugs for you! ((( Janice )))
I always look forward to seeing your emails in my inbox. Great inspiration. Happy Birthday, From some one that calls the Chicago area home too!
Happy Birthday!
I enjoy ALL your posts. Your diligence in researching, pasting and posting articles of interest to all of us is so appreciated.
The posts on packing with the "on the plane" or "in transit" , "in the bag" and the outfit ideas associated with travel are favorites with me. I read your blog every day.
May this next year be fabulous. Thank you for sharing photos of the clothing and accessories and the buying sources, too.
Congratulations! Your work is fantastic!
Greetings from Germany :-)
Happy Birthday Janice! I've been following you for about a year now, and gain inspiration every day from your posts. I love the way you put outfits together, you've inspired me in many ways.
I look forward to celebrating your third birthday here. I wish you continued success and eagerly read your posts every day.
Thanks for creating such a great blog.
Happy birthday! I always find your blog inspirational, and it gives me plenty of ideas. I especially love the basic wardrobes, from LL Bean, and the "Common Wardrobe." I'm always trying to reduce the amount of clothes I have, and trying to use everything I have, so it's great to have the basic and common wardrobes as guides. I love the way you add color and accessories to jazz things up!
I think you do a swell job, and your work brings delight and inspiration to many, many people!
happy birthday from australia. our seasons are not yours, but you have been my inspiration in how to dress for the rest of my life – comfortably, chicly and in clothes that suit me
Happy Birthday !!!
Your blog it's beeing and inspiration for me.. I'm still trying but I'm shopping less but better and just spring cleaning my wardrobe…
Thanks a lot for your time, your work and your wisdom
Regards form Barcelona, SPAIN !!!!
Happy birthday! I love your blog, it is inspiring to see chic and elegant creations using a minimal number of clothes and accessories. Thank you!
Happy Birthday….I have found your blog to be indespensible for wardrobe planning. I am always inspired by the way you put together outfits and have encouraged me to simplify my clothing choices. My husband has "suprised" me with an amethyst tennis bracelet and plain amethyst studs as he noticed I was wearing clothes that lean towards purples most of the time. I have packed for a three week trip in a carry on because of you! Thank you for all you do for us! You are appreciated!!!!
Happy Birthday from South Africa!
A day late and a dollar short…
Happy Belated BD to the best blog ever.
Thank you for all your dedication and inspiration.
Only recently found your blog, but it is fantastic. I look forward to it every day. Happy birthday.
Thank you so much for all your hard work! You are my Fairy Godmother!
Thank you, Fairy Godmother! You have helped me so much.
Happy Blog Birthday, Janice! Your posts have all been saved in a file and I would happily buy a book should you decide to write one. I regularly forward posts to my daughter and even sent on featuring purple to her best friend. The gal is a purple of any shade lover. Your blog has encouraged me to pare down and simplify. I love the way you put together outfits with a few key, quality pieces and accessories.
Joyeux anniversaire Janice. Thank you for your very inspiring work. You have a wonderful taste and your choices are always very wise. Hope you take good care of yourself.
Happy Birthday and THANK YOU! I can't tell you how many of your posts I have saved and even printed off for inspiration! You are the best!
happy birthday!! and thank you … I fall in and out of love with blogs all the time – but always come back here for my stylish, simple and elegant inspiration :-) xx
Janice — your blog is the first and only blog I subscribe to. I've worked from home (west of Chicago)for many years, and I only need a few outfits to wear downtown. (Before that, I worked about a block from your office and had a reputation for being a clothes horse.) You've shown me it's easy to look good with some thought and not much effort. Thanks for making me spiffy again!
What fun to scroll back through all the images and be reminded of the wonderful wardrobes you have put together. More than any other fashion blog I've read, you have helped me get a handle on how to dress well for my very casual lifestyle. Thank you.
Lois K
Janice, Congrats on your accomplishment: Two years of service to others!
Yours is my favorite blog of all times. I refer to it daily and use it when I prepare to travel. When the seasons change, I open my closet, chests and your blog. You have saved me money, time, and stress from the frustration of shopping.
Thank you. You are appreciated.
Your blog is inspiring, innovative and encouraging.
Many, many thanks. Carla.
Your blog is inspiring, innovative and encouraging.
Many, many thanks. Carla.
Your blog is VERY helpful, inspirational, and really, really fun.
Getting an email in my inbox has become an addicting piece of my day.
You are so practical and so creative. Keep up the amazing work and thank you for doing this!
Happy birthday Vivienne Files! I don't always comment, but I check your blog every day…there's always loads of sound advice on how to actually put outfits together that I've used again and again. As someone said previously WE LOVE YOU JANICE!!
Congratulations on two years! I haven't been reading long, but you're inspiring me to clean out my closet again, and to wear my scarves more often. I would love to toss everything and start from scratch, but I'm fairly sure that will never be in my budget (unless I drop two dress sizes!) Your wardrobe posts have given me many ideas on working with what I have, though. So thank you for all the hard work!
Happy bloggy birthday! I love your blog, it's such a great reminder to KISS (keep it simple, silly!) with my wardrobe. Keep up the great work!!!!
Your blogging makes a difference in how I see clothing! Love the common wardrobe posts especially when you show how many different looks can be created with such a simple base. Thanks, and happy blog birthday!
I really appreciate all the work you put in- your posts are often food for thought, as well as eye candy!
Happy Blog Birthday.
This blog is my treat each day. I love clothing, but I love true economy, too, and you manage to highlight both, with your quality over quantity teachings. Thank you so much! It is way fun! Blessings to you!
I love love LOVE your blog! Many happy returns!
Thank you, Janice! I found you a few months ago, and your blog has really helped me to weed out and organize my wardrobe. You are really an inspiration :)
Happy Birthday! I love your blog – especially the Whatever's Clean Summer Wardrobe!
Thank you for being my Fairy Godmother!
Thank you so very much, and best wishes and congratulations! Nowadays when shopping or even just looking through my closet, I find myself making a mental montage, similar to what you offer to us, to figure out if an outfit is successful. You're a genius with color and proportion – just lovely! And at the end of a long day, whether it's been pleasant or difficult, I am always happy to check my in-box "just one more time" to find that day's beautiful offering from you. Thank you again!
Best wishes from an avid reader. I've been reading your blog for several months, and my last shopping trip was so different from any before. I took your advice, developed a plan, and stuck to that plan. Please keep it up, showing your readers how to display personal style with fewer, better quality clothes.
Thank you Janice (again) for inspiring this Australian!! Most of your files exist on my notebook in their own BIG file, called (strangely enough! ;-) ) 'Vivienne's Files'. I just have to look at my screen saver to be inspired afresh!! Well done you!!
PS….you have inspired me to think about new colour combinations that I'd never have been courageous enough to try before.
Hi, Janice!
Thank you so much for your blog. I read it every day. I've even had dreams about it! In the last one, I decided that my summer wardrobe would be nothing but navy and white, and my winter wardrobe would be black and denim.
Thanks for the lovely pictures and the great thought that goes into your posts.
I'm a little late to the Birthday Party, so happy belated. I've recently discovered your blog and I absolutely LOVE it. I am learning, finally, how to dress and shop with a conscience and to stop wasting space and money with useless purchases. I'm very visual, so I really need to see the beautiful photos and outfits you put together. Cant say enough great things about your blog!!
I adore your blog. You've helped me streamline my shopping time and reduce how often I visit the stores. I have also cut my wardrobe size down to half of what it was and I find getting dressed everyday easier and more fun. Plus packing goes much faster now. Your blog is my first stop every morning when I visit the web. Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing your insight. And Happy Birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday! Your blog is my first stop when I visit the world wide web everyday. Thank you for sharing your insight and for all your hard work on the blog. It has helped me reduce my wardrobe down to half it's previous size, getting dressed is easier and more fun, and packing is a breeze now. I've also streamlined my shopping and reduced how often I visit the stores.
I wasn't here in time for the birthday, but this blog has revolutionized the way I think about my closet. I've recently lost a lot of weight, and as I have packed up and sent away the clothes that don't fit, I have not replaced them. I am waiting to understand my needs and my body and my wardrobe better, so I can have exactly the clothes I will love. Without this blog, I would have bought whatever was on clearance, whether it fit or not, whether I loved it or even liked it. I am thinking about textures — about colors — about what I do during my day — about the clothes I've gotten compliments on in the past — about the clothes I've worn out and the ones that have hung unused in the closet. This blog has been a hugely useful part of that. So thank you.
Good job and Happy Birthday! So many people appreciate you!
Loving the work you've put into this – I've found the packing blogs to be invaluable and am now able to do a carry on bag for trips of less than a week. So thank you so very much on behalf of myself and my now less stressed husband :)
I am late to the party, but I want to wish you many Happy Birthdays for The Vivienne Files, and to say THANK YOU. Over the course of the past year, since I discovered your blog, I have learned to think differently, out of the box, about how I dress, the use of color, and having the courage to say 'no' to certain ideas, and 'yes' to others!
What you do for women everywhere, cannot be measured. You are priceless!
Yes, Vivienne Files has been very instrumental in the clothes that I wear and what I buy. Thank you for doing it. I've not found anything else as inspirational, or as classic, on the internets.
Just learned about your blog from Lady Light Travel. Thank you so much for your wonderful, inspiring posts!
HB! I had no idea I was supposed to have a rel w my closet. I'm an absolute beginner and so pleased to have a teacher like you :) thank you for sharing like you do…
You are the first clothes/fashion blog I read, and you keep me grounded in the classics. Without your inspiration, I would not be as focused with what I wear, and working to pare down my closet. Thank you!
Happy Birthday! I haven't been near a computer to comment and greatly dislike typing long things on a smart phone. I found your blog in January, at the beginning of a wardrobe revamp (major weight loss, impending cross country move to a totally new climate, no clothes buying for a year). You are my guardian angel of chic! I spent an entire weekend pouring over every one of your posts.
Being a young woman there is so much focus on things that didn't resonate with me; having an overflowing closet, 'living' to shop, chasing trends, looking 'hot', disposable fashion. It was like a drink of fresh water to find your voice, advocating and distilling what I was looking for.
You have helped me to crystalize that I want my wardrobe to do and say for me and help me to stick to my guns. Can't thank you enough for that!
Happy Birthday and thank you! I only lurk, but I read every post. You blog has really reduced my stress when getting dressed. I feel much easier in my mind when I wear simple separates now. I'm amazed how much nice accessories brighten up an outfit. I'm also calmer about wearing my favorite accessories over and over. While I still enjoy novelty dressing, I'm also happier with dressing from my basics. So thank you Janice <3
Dear Janice,
Sorry for this late comment but I just read this today and had to comment. Congratulations! And thank you for this amazing blog. Please know that your hard work is really appreciated and you have truly made difference.
I love this blog and am forever inspired to " up my game " when I read it. Thanks for all you do!
I just wanted to express my thanks for your blog! When I went on a trip last October, I got lots of ideas from your blog on what to bring. I still love to wear the capsule I brought. I love checking in to see what combinations you've got up your sleeve. Thanks for all your wonderful advice! -Janis W.
As you can see, you and your blog are very well loved.