Released in 1993, published by Express (yes, the clothing store), and a fund-raiser for DIFFA (Design Industry Foundation for AIDS). Full of… interesting… tidbits, like the table below. More to follow – this book is very hard to find, and just too much fun to pass by!

The only thing that surprised me on the French list was "large hoop earrings." Did not know that. Enjoyed the post!
I'm not sure about the "be different" part. I live in France, and I see a lot of conformity. There's this idea that French women break the rules because they tie their trench belt rather than buckling it, but they all do it, so there's really no originality there. I think the British, for example, are much more original than the French.
Oh my! Having just tried to replicate your post on using a pale peach with the core of 12, I can relate to several comments in the right column. Finding matching pastel pink items in this hot pink world was a challenge. Throwing perfectionism to the wind and improvising would definitely have helped!
I used to think that the most impressive thing about your posts is the fabulous color combinations. After trying to pull together a coordinating set of accessories,
I am now appreciating your style sense as well. All the items in your set look like they belong to the same person. Mine have split (if not multiple) personalities. ;) Good thing it was virtual shopping.
Thanks for the inspirations. Liz
This is funny. I might have to try making a virtual outfit.
Thanks for the idea.
I have this book!
I love referring to it as it seems timeless.
I also gave a copy to my DIL…they are rare as hen's teeth now.
I'm fortunate to have a copy of this book (which I acquired in a serendipitous way) but I haven't read it in ages. You've inspired me to get it out and re-read it. As Hostess said, it does seem to be timeless. Charlene
Great chart! – Thanks for sharing!
I have had this book for years too and love referring to it now and then…classic!
I have read that navy and black can be an elegant color combination, but I can't visualize it – both are so dark. Maybe I haven't spent enough time in France. Future post?
Navy and pink is one of my favorite combinations and looks great one me (unlike black and neutrals). I suppose I will never be as chic as a French lady. Or does that make me appropriately "different"? lol
I also have to add that one of my other books on "how to be like the French" says quite firmly that a French woman would never wear hoop earrings and that is a decidedly American accessory. I'd love someone to weigh-in on that one. :)
To think I had this book, and tossed it in one of my cleaning frenzi pre move to Miami!! I bought it at Express! I remember well. For $15.00!! I think!
This brought back some great memories. When I was fresh out of college and trying to make my way in science, I worked nights and weekends at Express ( which was the Limited Express ). They used to have all kinds of "fashion" booklets. One of my favorites was 25 ways to wear scarves. I just recently recycled it.