January 4, 2015
It’s tempting to try to rationalize purchases, even though you try something on and it’s not quite perfect. “This will look better with the right tights…” is something that I said to Belovedest just a couple of days ago. And then I realized that I was just making excuses…
Quote from “I’ll Drink to That” by Betty Halbreich.
I went through this yesterday, finding my favorite designer's slacks at rock bottom pricing. After trying them on and finding them lacking-fit, fabric, and style wrong for me, I started to justifying their purchase. Then my little "Vivienne" started to wake me up. The thing that finally did it was remembering I was worth saving for one pair of "perfect" fit, style and fabric slacks that would work with every componant in my wardrobe and these slacks-two pair- were standing in the way. Thanks to your guidance I get compliments all the time now.
The thrift shops are happy with my justifications.
I love that you are quoting Betty Halbreich. I have read both her books and watched some of the you tube interviews. She is great, I would love to shop with her, although it might lo be a bit scary.
Deb from Vancouver
Dear Janice,
I have been away from the internet these past few days. A very happy (belated) New Year! Annie
Ah, we're in sync Janice. Think you'll enjoy the post I have lined up for tomorrow.
Good advice that I will do well to remember! Mary
Good advice. I'm trying to only buy things that I really love at first sight.
Sometimes I try things on and instantly say "Yes". Other times, instantly "No". Other times I think "this is ok" and then I have to ask myself "But do I love it?" The answer is almost always "No," so back on the rack it goes. I have learned that if I have to think it over that long and justify it that much, then it just isn't the right thing for me.
Good advice, shared. Thank you Anne
How true – I need to remember this LOL!!