Home » Capsule Wardrobe Packing from the 33 for a long weekend
Capsule Wardrobe Packing from the 33 for a long weekend
I’m out of town right now – actually, I’ve been out of town since Thursday afternoon; the magic of the internet means that I can schedule blog posts ahead of time! I’m visiting a number of my relatives, which is the easiest packing; laundry is available, and borrowing clothes is always possible. I’m carrying the huge suitcase because belovedest and I are sharing the bag, and his clothes and shoes take up a LOT of space…
The transit collections are some of my favorites. Although my trips involve SUVs and tents rather than trains and hotels, I take the formulas and translate them into what I need to pack. It makes trip planning so much easier, and I'm always prepared and stylish (yes, even in the woods).
Looks like two pairs of very similar pants — perhaps an oversight? If I were taking 2 pairs of pants, I'd take 2 different pairs — dress pants and casual, jeans or black pants. Actually for this wardrobe, I'd take one casual-to-dressy pair (black) and maybe a black pencil skirt for dress-up occasions (opera, etc.). I wouldn't take the striped tee — I'd wear the grey. But then I am a very light packer — no more than 10 lbs. for EVERYTHING, shoes and 3-1-1 bag included.
It took me a long time to realise I didn't need to take everything I owned on a trip. half of the items I never wore. I'm down to basics now and it's almost the same as yours.Thanks for this one as I'm off on a 2week trip, with just a carry on bag weghing 10kg allowance.I'm surprised at what I managed to get in.
As a french woman living in Paris, I follow your blog with a great admiration for your keen eye for color(s) and your endless energy! Dominique Loreau's book caught my eye on this last post as I have read (and re-read) all of her books, too bad all of her works are not translated into english. Journeys and trips are indeed a good time to "faire le ménage en soi"! Thank you for the wonderful creation that is "The Vivienne Files"
The transit collections are some of my favorites. Although my trips involve SUVs and tents rather than trains and hotels, I take the formulas and translate them into what I need to pack. It makes trip planning so much easier, and I'm always prepared and stylish (yes, even in the woods).
Wishing you a lovely holiday.
So you take two pairs of pants? I'm still trying to figure this out. I'm a jeans girl so I'll translate it to jeans.
Looks like two pairs of very similar pants — perhaps an oversight? If I were taking 2 pairs of pants, I'd take 2 different pairs — dress pants and casual, jeans or black pants. Actually for this wardrobe, I'd take one casual-to-dressy pair (black) and maybe a black pencil skirt for dress-up occasions (opera, etc.). I wouldn't take the striped tee — I'd wear the grey. But then I am a very light packer — no more than 10 lbs. for EVERYTHING, shoes and 3-1-1 bag included.
It took me a long time to realise I didn't need to take everything I owned on a trip. half of the items I never wore. I'm down to basics now and it's almost the same as yours.Thanks for this one as I'm off on a 2week trip, with just a carry on bag weghing 10kg allowance.I'm surprised at what I managed to get in.
As a french woman living in Paris, I follow your blog with a great admiration for your keen eye for color(s) and your endless energy! Dominique Loreau's book caught my eye on this last post as I have read (and re-read) all of her books, too bad all of her works are not translated into english. Journeys and trips are indeed a good time to "faire le ménage en soi"! Thank you for the wonderful creation that is "The Vivienne Files"
I did not see resource for clothing on this post did i miss iit would love to have the list hank_arnold@ bellsouth.net {Jill Arnold} Thanks in advance
lovely but what is the source for that divine sweater with the asymmetric hem? I need it!! I want it!!
Thanks for all your wonderful thoughtful help in "putting it all together"