Cardigan – Stella McCartney, striped top
– La Garconne,
tweed skirt – Dolce & Gabbana, red shirt – Equipment
– La Garconne,
tweed skirt – Dolce & Gabbana, red shirt – Equipment
Bag – Aldo, wrapped scarf – Spun by Subtle Luxury, mixed
plaid scarf – Free People, square silk scarf – Hermès, ballet flats – Repetto
plaid scarf – Free People, square silk scarf – Hermès, ballet flats – Repetto
Turtleneck – L.L.Bean,
blue striped shirt – Golden Goose, blue shirt – D&G, white shirt – Theory,
navy blazer – A.P.C., grey sleeveless sweater – J. Crew, grey cardigan – J. Crew, navy v-neck – J.
Crew, navy shirt – J. Crew, navy pants – A.P.C., grey skirt – Comme des
Garcons, grey pants – Theory
blue striped shirt – Golden Goose, blue shirt – D&G, white shirt – Theory,
navy blazer – A.P.C., grey sleeveless sweater – J. Crew, grey cardigan – J. Crew, navy v-neck – J.
Crew, navy shirt – J. Crew, navy pants – A.P.C., grey skirt – Comme des
Garcons, grey pants – Theory
I am a huge fan of your site….have recommended it to countless others….but this new format is just not working for me. Have you had other negative reactions to it. I always thought the previous format was so visually pleasing – please consider revising this format.
You can change the format to "Classic" from the down arrow next to the Home button to give you a regular blog format. I doesn't give the old colors, but if you are more comfortable with a regular blog format, you can view the site that way.
The iPad is not happy with this format; i don't know why. Normally it's easy to enlarge anything on the screen; I used to do this all the time to see details of garments and read captions. Now that's not possible. It does reduce the usefulness of this wonderful blog. I do still love it, though, and check it every day. Joy
I can't pick the new format up on my kindle either…bummer. But I check out the headline and then read on PC.
I, too have had problems with the new format, on my I-pad. However, the suggestion to change to a 'classic' format, made all the difference. Many thanks to Renee for the idea.
Want to take a moment to thank Janice for this inspirational blog and all the hard work that goes into creating it. It has totally transformed the way I look at my wardrobe and has been the moving force behind my recent closet clean out. I now have about a third of the clothes, but can now actually see all that I have to work with and am rid of tons of clutter. The end result is very liberating and I actually find I have more options.
Again, thanks for helping me look at my wardrobe in a new and more exciting light! Karmen
On the PC, I tend to switch to the Sidebar view as I find it the least offensive. When I click on it, the page reloads – does that count as a separate pageview?
On the iPad, I read it in Blogshelf, which is a far cleaner experience, even though it means I can't read the comments.
Love the red and grey…I'm always huge on red and black but now I'm going to try this combo. And thanks for the "whappage" support on my lace dress…yes, major! I'm happy to have it (and for $66) even though it will probably get worn only once or twice a year.
As far as the format, my only problem is I find it to be very iPad unfriendly. It sticks, won't scroll down…sometimes the main page will scroll down underneath the page I'm trying to read. Is anyone else having this problem?
This formatting thing is driving me nuts; on the one hand, my number of views on the blog has TRIPLED since I changed formats. But on the other hand, some of you are really having problems with it… sigh…
I'm going to get in touch with Google and see if they can shed any light on the issue. I'd encourage anybody with some spare time to look for discussions about these problems elsewhere on the internet, and chiming in if you run into a workable solutions.
Just trying to do my very best, for as many of you as possible!
Maybe the views to the blog have gone up because people like me are giving double hits since I try on the kindle and then have to go to the PC? Just a thought…I do enjoy what you do! Thanks so much.
Janice, please don't take it as a complaint…no stress to you! I think it's some tech conflict with the format and iPad. I just will read you on my regular computer…and the above suggestion to change to classic format may make it iPad friendly again.
Janice- Loving your capsules and using them regularly. Some of your older posts from the spring and also from your shopping fast are ones I used to return to regularly. Is there a way to do this now? I used to use the sidebar with entries for the year and month.
I agree that the new format is trickier to use. I also have to resort to opening and reading on my PC — not my tablet. Harder to find older posts — such as by color, etc. Technology (sigh).
They sidebar is still there- it is just hidden. On the right of the screen there is a black line that pops up little icons when you scroll over it. The top one is the blog archive. If you click on it, You will see the years. Click on the arrow next to the year, and it will give you the months. Click on the arrow next to the months, and it will give you all the post titles for that month. Tags/labels are below that and have all the old ones. Those features don't show up on my iPhone (only the About and RSS subscription buttons do). I don't know if they would work with a tablet.
Also, while I can't zoom into the description text on my iPhone, if you tap on the picture, it will take you to a page with just the image, and then you can enlarge it there.
Thanks, Renee. I never paid attention to the black line. This was a great help.
Janice I love all these pops of red…
the skies here are grey and the rain is intense so these cheery shade is a perfect antidote to the hum drum of our weather.
Wearing red today, inspired by yesterday's post. Thanks!
I love this new series. I can definitely see using my gray and navy core pieces and adding a few pieces in a color I love to add versatility and keep things fresh. One of the things I have found so daunting about capsule wardrobes is the restriction of color. I love lots of different colors and it is so hard to pick just a few. I love the brightness of the red here but would pick burgundy as a more flattering color for my skintone. I just picked up a couple of vintage Vera scarves in navy, gray, and burgundy so I can definitely apply some of these ideas! Thanks so much, Janice, for inspiring us all.
Ditto to everything you said! (Except shopping for the scarves). LeNora
I love a way to wear red without it always being right smack up against my face as I have rosacea (and hot flashes!!). Lovely capsule as always.
Now, I'm saying in this paragraph some things relating to the formatting, only because everybody else is and because, Janice, it's constructive feedback, not to make you nuts…you could have no bigger fan than myself…BUT, I'm telling you, if I was new to the site, I would have given up by now. With the new formatting, it is the slowest thing ever; I often go back to the web, do something else, and come back. It's really difficult to scroll; very jumpy and erratic. I find myself gripping the mouse so hard, as if to control, only to make my hand and fingers hurt. I never had these problems with your previous formatting. I am strictly on a home computer, not a mac. I don't have the i-stuff. So, to sum up, I might be clicking on here three or four times in a day to get just one good viewing from beginning to end of your post, because I'm a determined reader and I can't miss even one day of La Vivienne. I do have a lot of virus protection on my system but I don't have trouble like this on the other many sites I visit, except ones which are too heavily loaded with ads.
So, I don't know if this helps or hurts your cause, Janice. I hope it gets settled for you soon. I know you're just trying to do what's progressive and which has the furthest reach. It's enough that you spend as much time that you do for the wonderful posts.
Thanks for all of the terrific instruction/guidance. BTW, loving the red as we step toward the Christmas holidays.
Okay, I just took the blogger advice (previous comments) and clicked on the "Classic" after I returned "Home" here. I definitely can scroll more easily. This seems more friendly. I'll keep doing this each day and see what kind of difference it makes. Maybe it's the answer for some of us.
Wow, that was interesting. When I hit "publish" to make the above comment about using "Classic," the site would not take my comment. I waited and waited and waited, hit Refresh on my computer, and then it took it. Little michievous elves have infiltrated somewhere in all of this!
I always start thinking of reds in a wardrobe at this time of year. Now until Valentine's day at least.
Love this collection – will be getting a few more red pieces soon! And, no trouble with the format!! ;-)
I really like this combination. I am using navy as my core neutral but am having trouble finding another neutral to use. I have gone over and over the combinations that you show but when I look for things that will work for me and my lifestyle I am not finding things I like in any of the neutrals I thought might work. Following Vivienne's advice – if I don't love it, I won't get it. I just did a switch of my closet to move the long sleeve shirts in and the short sleeve out. To be honest I was appalled at the number of shirts I have and also the number of colors. I think the best thing may be use your turn the hangers backward suggestion and use what I have this winter. Then by spring, I may have a better idea of what colors I really like and enjoy wearing. Part of my problem is I have stopped coloring my hair so I have some salt and pepper in the front and more of my original brown in the back. Unfortunately, this is the way the women in my family go gray. It is sure making color choices fun!
Thank you for all the hard work you do with this blog. You have really opened my eyes and made me really think about my clothes.