November 8, 2024
I initially typed the date as 2015. Freudian as heck, in all KINDS of ways…
This last of our six paintings – have you like having these spread over six days? I’m finding it a very manageable system. I like having more time to spend on each wardrobe. Let me know how you feel, and I may adjust the posts for this theme accordingly.
So let’s revisit this most relaxing and elegant of images:
As much as these aren’t my favorite colors, I would be comforted to see these tops in my closet. That stack of four long-sleeved tee shirts never grows old for me…
If you’re never going to wear a dress or skirt, you will probably find yourself with a tidy assortment of pants!
I need to figure out why these assortments of accessories are always so pleasing to my eye. Hmm…
Same with shoes – having enough of the right shoes gives a feeling of comfort that’s hard to explain!
This is a heroine who does not like to stand out in a crowd! When she starts thinking about what she might want for holiday attire, she’s immediately drawn to the idea of something simple, classic, and black.
When she spots a black velvet top and matching pants, she’s sold! A rather splashy gold blouse is going to challenge her a little bit, but it’s so pretty and timeless that she risks it. A sweater vest will help bridge any of her shirts or t-shirts with velvet pants…
reindeer brooch – Talbots; gold blouse – Boden; black velvet top – Lands’ End; black cashmere vest – J.Crew; snowflake socks – Talbots; suede flats – Talbots; velvet pants – Lands’ End
Of course she has new outfits in her shopping bag, wearing just the things that she purchased. But the real measure of something you buy is how well it incorporates itself into your existing clothes and accessories…
Eight possibilities here, although there are unquestionably more combinations possible:
While this sure isn’t my favorite wardrobe, I would take every last thing she bought in a New York minute!
p.s. Ten years ago, I pondered if one could describe themself as “more Renoir or Laurencin”? Arguably one of the hardest things I’ve ever done…
p.p.s Fixed the date to 2024!
Like this wardrobe? Save it to Pinterest!
Janice, I definitely prefer these one at a time. So much less overwhelming.
I agree with lise. One wardrobe at a time is so much easier to process. Viewing one a day this week has been a real treat, although I’m sorry for the reason. Hope you’re starting to feel better.
I agree with both of you, especially as the collections keep growing. Hope you’re feeling better each day.
I agree as well. Much easier to process and enjoy all your hard work, Janice!
I do like the one at a time idea, especially this far into the year. And it is a pleasure to have one every day for the first week, especially this week. Perhaps there could be five?
I think this is a good idea!
I like the one at a time and watching a wardrobe grow and change for the seasons but I also like the smaller capsule or travel wardrobes you do, and those associated art and scarves and jewelry inspiration, Janice, so I would hate to take too many days a month away from those.
If you only post 3x / week, (understandably!), but then half of a month’s 12 posts are dedicated to the yearly wardrobe project.
If it is possible and not too much to squeeze 5 yearly wardrobes intl the first week of the month, and then keep 3x/ week the other 3 weeks of the month, that would increase the total # of posts, I know, so if that’s too much feel free to ignore
But I think that would even out the new or smaller stories vs the ongoing wardrobe ratio. Just an idea! No need to respond. You’re kind and I’m brainstorming here and I’ll agree and be impressed with whatever you decide
I love this idea! I’m also enjoying the extra time with each painting/wardrobe, but also enjoy the other posts. I’d be down for 5 instead of 6, too. Seeing one at a time lets me analyze what I do and don’t like about each one, and why, without comparing one wardrobe to another.
I must have missed the Renoir – Laurencin post on the first go ‘round. It’s exquisite!
Another vote for one at a time.
Janice, I’m just loving the one at a time. It allows for a leisurely perusal and time to really take in each palette. Additionally, these autumnal hues are just happy for my soul! I must add—the gold blouse is the big standout for me across all of the art-based capsules. It just looks to be such a yummy piece. I always forget to check out Boden seasonally, but this reminds me to do so. They have beautiful things.
As Sandy B said, I love the one day at a time, especially as the wardrobes get larger. Much easier for my brain to process. Although the colors wouldn’t be me, absolutely I love this wardrobe with all the pants and sweaters. And my beloved flannel shirts. I sometimes wish I could do a neutral looking wardrobe like this, but it’s just not me. I did take a look back, I am neither of those artists. Perhaps I should try and take a look around and one that does suit me? Naaaah way too much work for this person – so thank you for all your work, and I do hope you are feeling better. Have a great weekend everyone.
Me too, 1X5. Something to chew on every day!
But, it says 2025, and it’s still 2024 :-)
That really made me laugh. Fixed but still not quite there! definitely been that kind of week – I feel seen. Janice if you’re wondering where its still the wrong year, its in the text right above your admission of typing 2015 first.
One at a time, please. It gives your choices the spotlight they deserve.
I have really been enjoying having these one at a time. Especially this week, these have been a bright spot in my day. If it’s easier for you, then I think it’s a win-win!
Hope your recuperation is going smoothly.
I love looking at the individual wardrobes in a post instead of several grouped together. This way I seem to do have a much better understanding of each instead of moving on too quickly to my favourite one.
Love the one at a time approach!
I agree with everyone – especially in October and later, the wardrobes are so nice and full that it is a real pleasure to examine each one individually. (In January-April, I think I would want to see more at a time) I really appreciate all the time and care you take in crafting this series of posts, along with all the other beautiful, thought provoking wardrobes you create. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
One at a time is less overwhelming. For instance, I always leaned toward the blue set as those are the colors I wear. But for some reason, it stopped clicking with me. Looking at it closely this week, I realized it is because there are so many navy garments for the top. I only wear navy as a second layer with something brighter beneath, never alone. On the other hand, I usually just glanced at the red and gray O’Keeffe. This week, I fell in love with it! I do wear red and I love the brightness near the face that this set offers. (I would chuck all the boots though and replace with my one pair of black Doc Martens😉)
At this point I like that you’re doing one wardrobe per day because I think it works best once they become larger. I would be in favor of introducing them all together but then do half of them per day for a few months, take it down to just two per day for several more months, and finish off the last few months with one per day.
Deb has a good idea of gradually scaling down wardrobes per post a la 6-3-2-1. If the size of the wardrobes feels unwieldy, downsize to the next level. Maybe 6 per post Jan.-Mar., 3 per post Apr.-Jun, 2 per post Jul.-Sep., 1 per post Oct.-Dec. That would also make things easier for Janice as we enter the holiday season.
That said, this wardrobe totally works for me for fall although I would add a dressier skirt in black.
I like Deb’s idea of gradually reducing the number of wardrobes per post over the year. All good wishes for increasingly good health.
I like these velvet pieces too. I would love to add a navy velvet skirt to my things for this holiday season. And maybe a lace blouse to go with it. Or velvet. With amazing buttons. I love your posts and will take them any way they come! They have helped me figure things out and get back to a capsule mindset. I’m not there yet and frequently get derailed by an amazing accessory………
Loving the one wardrobe per day! Hopefully it would make it easier on you as well. Looking back to 2014’s post, I’d say I’m definitely more Laurencin. I prefer the simplicity.
I’m really liking the one at a time format as these wardrobes get larger. It made sense at the very beginning when there were only a few garments, to do them together. But once you hit about April it starts getting unwieldy. I’ve very much enjoyed the progression from 6 to 3 to 2 to 1.
Now let’s talk about this gorgeous wardrobe. I think this may be my #2 favorite out of all of them. I would have definitely worn this in my auburn hair days. In fact I did use these colors a lot back then! It reminds me of those soft, hazy, gentle late summer/early fall days when you see the occasional blaze of a maple or oak or beech changing colors in a sea of faded green. You have achieved real harmony with this set. And yes! I love that stack of tshirts too!
I love the one wardrobe at a time! I savor each of your posts and this allowed me more time to imagine and re- imagine each wardrobe. Hope you are feeling better each day. Years ago I broke three ribs and I have not forgotten how it feels. You have my total sympathy.
The look back was fascinating. I think I actually land somewhere between Renoir and Laurencin – neither sleek nor super detailed. Now I’m off to ponder what that means for my wardrobe…
I too think one a day each is perfect. I also think starting in January would work. There’s so much to think about and the one at a time choice would just keep getting better!! I always find something to think about in each of the six wardrobes even if they aren’t colors I wear. Thanks for all your work 💕. Sure hope you’re feeling better. I know it takes time😢
Agree with Ezzy and Deb. Wish I had the coloring to wear this wardrobe, but I don’t and I also love the stack of T-shirts. Sincerely, hope that you are feeling much better soon!
As so many others here have said, one wardrobe at a time is also my preference. It allows more time to focus on the various components that make up the grouping, plus accessories, to ferret out what might work for me , or not .
As I have said before , with today’s post, sub out the black for either dark or chocolate brown and then count me thrilled !
Oh, yes.. chocolate brown has worked so well for me, too. It definitely takes more patience to find but I get massive payback in how I feel and look and how it plays as a base. Thinking about pretty gold tops for the holidays…and I feel they will be much prettier with brown.
One at a time. It’s really a lovely way to process an evolving wardrobe. I’ve been fascinated to see how monthly injections into the wardrobe, according to seasons and lifestyle needs, will build a beautiful, useful and durable wardrobe. The principle of sticking to a palette and identifying a personal style really pays off in the long run. I often find I cannot find the items that would be really useful so I come home with only one item or empty-handed. No problem, though. Patience and persistence really will pay off.
I think that part of the reason this pallet appeals to you is because it is relatively low contrast. I think you generally gravitate to higher contrast (black/white) pieces . As we let our hair go gray, this becomes increasingly important for those of us with lighter coloring.
I like the one per post too 🙂.
Slower pace: I concur with your correspondents. Xx
I love that this casual heroine is trying some dressier fabrics.
The one wardrobe per post idea is great, especially toward the end of the year as the wardrobes grow.
I went on a ten day trip with this color palate, but using navy instead of black. I have to say that it was so easy to get dressed, but I felt underwhelmed by my color choices. I think it’s the olive that doesn’t agree with me – in theory it’s a good color. Perhaps there were just too many neutrals, not enough “pop.”
Love the one day/one wardrobe post this week. The only downside is that, if I’m busy, I’d prob skip one like this where I don’t like the colours. But then I would have missed seeing the pretty gold blouse that would fabulous with my navy pieces.
I just reviewed your intriguing retrospective, and have found myself clearly leaning toward the trimmed down Laurencin ! Thanks for that personal revealed insight into my own tastes ! I am a traditionalist, but also conservative and classic in style .
My favorites are the Nash and the Denis. I don’t have to decide, I have something of both colors in my wardrobe.
Presented individually, you can really enjoy the capsules and you can see the individual pieces better: The reindeer brooch is so beautiful.
Have a nice weekend.
I love one at a time! It’s great to have more time to pour over each one! And five per year would work well, too.
It looks as though you are beginning to feel better. That’s wonderful! And still please take time for plenty of self-care