Broken ribs. Three of them…
I feel a little bit vindicated, because this much pain HAD to be something broken, didn’t it?
Thank you – so very much! – for all of your kind messages. They keep me going…
lots of love,
Capsule wardrobes inspired by art and nature
NOOOOOOOO! That’s sounds like the result of a nasty fall, please get well soon! Rest, recuperation and healing are your top priorities! Please take care and be gentle with yourself!
It’s mad how I can’t remember falling; that almost bothers me more than the pain from my ribs! It was like an out of body experience, until the pain kicked in!
Janice – so sorry for the scary fall. I am recovering now from same. Week 5 and much better. Lidoderm patches and gabapentin with ibuprofen were very helpful. Don’t laugh or roll over in your sleep! It’s embarrassing how many compliments I get on my wardrobe thanks to you ! Get well soon.
Broken ribs are so cruel because we have to breathe. Take care dear on.
I am so sorry to hear about your poor ribs! Take it easy and don’t worry about posting. I hope you will feel better soon. Prayers for you!
Sending a virtual hug; no wait… that sounds too painful. Sending healing thoughts, and prayers for rapid recovery.
I think of them as distant, virtual hugs! Because if anyone touches my back right now, I’d either scream or start crying. Maybe bother!
distant, loving but not-touching hugs,
Oh my gosh!!! Please rest as much as you can, you poor thing! I am sending you lots of virtual support from Canada.
So very sorry! I love and appreciate your posts, but sincerely hope your recovery and return to good health goes smoothly. You’ve given us so much to consider lately that we’ll have lots of inspiration to act on while you heal yourself. Take good care of yourself.
A very gentle hug! Wishing you a swift recovery.
PS. Maybe you weren’t quite as awake as you thought you were or your mind was on something else, or you had low blood sugar or dehydration. Our minds and bodies are complex, and are not always as engaged as we expect them to be. Hope you get the rest and recovery time you need.
Oh no. I hope you feel better soon.
Sending positive vibes and healing thoughts your way.
Janice ,
OUCH , and then some ! Air cyber gentlest of hugs and prayers for rapid healing ! As Gilda Radnor used to say “ it’s always somethin ! “
Sorry to hear this Janice. Prayers for a quick recovery. Your posts are a blessing to me.
We will give you face hugs instead…very gentle clasp of your cheeks instead of your back. The fall must have been pretty bad to break ribs and not remember it. Just rest and take it very very easy. We love you!!
I am so sorry to read this, Janice. I hope you heal quickly and well. Wish I could pop by with some soup and bread!
Ive heard that broken ribs are very painful.
Blowing you a kiss from a safe distance.
Oh Janice, I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope you can get some rest and that you heal quickly! We’re thinking of you!
sorry for your pain been there done that and it is no picnic get well dear
Oh yikes! I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. Did they give you any idea about how long the pain will last? Hopefully it starts to get better very quickly. Here’s to as speedy a recuperation as possible.
Oh how you must be in awful and intolerable pain. I’ve cracked (and maybe broken) ribs before and it’s so hard to get comfortable. I’m sending prayers for your speedy and full recovery! The pain will subside in due time. Remember that you are Awesome!
Take it easy, ma’am.
Wishing you an easy healing. From NZ.
Broken ribs are not much fun and not much they can do except give you pain killers, so rest up and we can enjoy older posts. Sending healing thoughts your way.
Oh Janice! My heart goes out to you and I will be praying for your speedy healing and comfort as you convalesce. I remember doctors would wrap the rib cage years ago to give some support for broken ribs but then I think that practice ceased. Is there any treatment besides pain meds?
Gentlest air hugs and a virtual casserole from Canada!!
So sorry to hear that you are in pain – praying for a quick recovery. It sounds like you have been in shock – so look after yourself physically and psychologically and stay safe. From the UK
Get well soon, greating from Germany.
Oh Janice, that’s definitely no fun. I am also a member of the broken rib club and who wants to be in that! Do take good care of yourself…sending more virtual hugs and healing energy your way! 💖
Oh Janice. You poor thing. What a time you’ve had lately. Please rest up, take in all the hugs from us and get better soon.
I think a soft pillow and blanket on the couch is in order. Rest is the only option for you. There could be a message for you there, Janice. Sometimes pushing through difficult times is not the best method. I hope you take the time you truly need to recover. As much as we will miss you, it’s the best thing for you!
Janice, I am so incredibly and unbelievably sorry. This is what happened to me as I was headed into the airport in February—I tripped and fell on my side on a curb, breaking two ribs. I can only imagine how painful three must be. Prescription Tylenol with Codeine, alternating with Prescription strength Advil was what I took, along with Traumeel, applied topically. Ice helped too, but it was hard to keep ice on all the time. I also bought a giant wedge pillow to help me sleep upright.
I can only tell you that it hurt like he#% until suddenly, one day, it didn’t. The doctor told me it would be about 6 weeks in recovery…but I found it closer to 10. That being said, it DID heal and you WILL get through this. It’s just an awful challenge to have to deal with. My hope for you is that you can breathe just fine, if a bit gingerly.
How awful! I’ve no advice, I’m just sending you the best wishes for a speedy recovery. I do I hope you manage to get enough sleep and that you feel better very very soon.
How did you get that bruise? Or why is there blood on your leg? I rarely have a clue. Hope they are treating the pain and that the bones fuse back quickly. We miss you!
I can identify with that pain. I got mine by over swinging with a golf club. Hurts like heck! Be kind to yourself and don’t worry. We will be here when you return. Prayers for fast healing.🙏🏻
Oh my goodness! There are lots of healing thoughts – and love sent your way from all of us. Allow time for your body to heal. We will be here whenever you get back. Your first priority is you. Get lots of sleep!
Air kiss….
Oh my!!! Thank goodness for pain meds. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Wishing you a very speedy recovery and relief from the pain. You’ve had such a rough time lately … sending you lots of positive vibes! Focus on you … we can wait. Hugs (soft ones).
Oh my goodness of course you are in pain. Sending wishes of a speedy recovery to you.
Sending healing thoughts your way. Wishing you rest and recovery.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Oh no! So sorry to hear this. I hope you can be as comfortable as possible and your healing goes quickly. Virtual air hugs to you. Can they do anything for your ribs to help with your rest and comfort?
Fell and broke my arm near the shoulder joint a few years ago. I was grateful for no surgery, but the recovery with my arm in a sling and sleeping upright for a while was interesting.
Oh no! Maybe you could wrap yourself in bubble wrap! And use whatever pain meds you need to get through this. 🥰
So sorry that you have had this life experience! Been there, done that! It takes a while to heal. Respect your pain, and rest. My doctor prescribed Reclast infusion for my bone health.
Sending you wishes for speedy recovery. Don’t overdo it and please accept whatever physical therapy might be offered. I’m picturing you with a printed tee shirt that says, “Please, no hugs!”
What a horrible fall!!! Sending A Hug from afar, to gently wrap around and praying for God’s tender touch to heal you. Lots and lots of rest, if you can find a comfortable position, and know everyone loves you and is rooting for your recovery.
Half the city would die of shock – I hug a LOT of people!
virtual hugs,
Ouch! There is comfort in getting a diagnosis and plan for recovery. My two, big healing experiences involved recovery from abdominal surgery and a serious car accident with multiple injuries and a short hospital stay. The latter involved bruised ribs from the seat belt and was the most painful injury, so I feel your pain.
My best advice is to be laser-focused on your healing and put everything else aside. Practice self-care, listen to your body, take baby steps, accept help. Although reading good books sounds like a good idea, I preferred more passive ways to fill the time as in nowadays streaming. Enjoy that multi-season series you’ve been wanting to watch but didn’t want to commit to. But keep it light, no dark stuff.
Your tribe is a patient one, so take the time you need. Sending healing thoughts…
Falls can happen so quickly and hurt so badly. Take care of yourself. You are missed.
So sorry to hear this! Focus on resting and taking care of yourself. We will be here when you’re ready.
Tous mes vœux de prompt rétablissements…
Oh wow – That sounds painful! I hope you heal soon <3
oh bother! being broken is so not fun (been there, done that). somebody needs to come up an “anti-falling” workout program to help us all minimize these crashes as we age! Sending lots of patience & stubbornness your way! (And don’t forget that you need a TON of protein to build back bones – I was startled at the shift in my eating habits while I was in healing mode but the docs said it made sense!)
Please rest and take care of yourself. I had a horrible fall a few days before my 70th birthday. I ended up in the ER but thankfully nothing broken except 2 black eyes. Not fun!
Prayers for a speedy recovery. Broken ribs are indeed painful. Take it easy.
You are tough! Broken ribs are so painful, and you never realize how many breaths you take per minute and per day until you break one (or three.) I hope you recover quickly!!
Oh nooooo. I hope the healing vibes from all of us reach your ribs for the speediest possible recovery.
I’m concerned that you don’t remember your fall. That happened to a friend recently. She got a nasty concussion and is now wearing a heart monitor as they try to figure things out. Did she faint? Have a TIA? Please try to learn the cause of your fall. And broken ribs? So terribly painful. Eons ago, when my dad was a heavy smoker, broken ribs caused him to quit. “Just the thought of my smoker’s cough made me hurt.” Be kind to yourself
The circumstances of your fall could suggest some other medical problem. When you are feeling better please follow up with your doctor. Cardiac and or Blood Pressure problems or a sudden fainting spell… Love and warm healing wishes to you.
So sorry. Prayers for a speedy recovery
Time-out! Get all the rest you need for a complete recovery. We’ll miss your imaginative posts and look forward to reading them again.
I had the same sensation when I encountered a patch of black ice once. We can’t make you casseroles, but we could buy you a cup of coffee if you’d like!
I’m so sorry about the broken ribs and hope you you get better very quickly. Now you can start to heal. Sending air kisses and air hugs from a safe distance : )
Dear Janice, I’m so sorry for the terrible news. Many years ago I slipped on black ice and fractured my knee cap. What struck me the most was just how quickly life can be totally turned upside down. When you have severe pain, nothing else matters. But like Susan and Annie have said the reason for your fall is very concerning. Please follow up with your doctor. I’m praying for rapid healing and relief from the pain. Be kind to yourself, when you’re ready we will be here.
Wishing you a complete and speedy recovery.
From Morag in Scotland.
Oh, no! Please take good care of yourself, focus on healing and distracting yourself from the pain (ouch!), and know we’ll still be here when you feel well enough to post again. Sending many many good wishes for a quick recovery, Andrea
I hope you can find some positions to sit, stand and lie in that are comfortable and encourage your healing. Sending virtual hugs and thanks for all your wonderful posts over the years. And thoughts, prayers and intentions for your speedy healing sans pain. Sending much love.
I am so sorry to hear about your injury. Thankfully you will eventually heal. Keep that thought in mind as you slowly approach that time.
You are in my prayers,
As everyone has said take all the time you need. Bones do not mend as quickly as we age. In fact the only thing that happens more quickly with age seems to be needing to go to the bathroom :). Falls are the worst thing as we age. We will miss you but will be sending prayers and healing wishes.
thank goodness that the ribs didn’t pierce anything.
i’ve fallen and not remembered doing it.. it scared the hell out of me and my husband.
it’s going to take you a bit of time to heal, so get comfy as you can, do something you absolutely love (guilty pleasures are the way to go, for me that would be ‘true ghost stories’)
and everyone will be waiting when you get back
Dear Janice, remember the three R’s: Rest, Recuperation, and REFLECTION. Methinks it may be time to gently close those closet doors and take time to contemplate the vast skies. As another rib fracture veteran, I can commiserate. Stillness will be your best friend. The quietest of mind….OM 😊
I don’t often comment. I love your posts and say, get well soon. We’re not going anywhere. Hope you feel better soon!
So sorry. No joke (really because I’m sure laughing hurts!) Hope you feel better soon.
Oh no! I am so so sorry this happened. Please wrap yourself in bubble wrap and accept only gentle hugs. Feel better soon!
Oh my gosh..I hope you feel better soon and heal quickly!
I fell in the bathtub in 2001 and broke a rib. Extremely painful! I never went for medical help but I am certain that’s what happened.
Sending a zen hug and prayers. Take care
UGH, so sorry to hear this, Janice – we’re all pulling for you!
Ohh, so, so sorry – so painful – the best comment was that your tribe is faithful! So true, rest, heal and get better – we will all be heroines waiting for the lead heroine to return all healthy and whole – sending healthy thought your way, Carol
Ouch, I sympathise. All you can do is rest and recover. Take all the time you need. I hope that they do blood tests to check your bone profile, including calcium levels, and send you for a DEXA scan to check bone density. It must be so painful. Sending gentle hugs.
Three ribs? Yikes!!!!! Slow tummy/diaphragm breathing. If you were ever a singer you’ll know how to do that. There are lots of little bumps and cracks and such on the streets and sidewalks of NYC where I’ve walked. It could have been anything. And I agree with Beth T. Gets dexa if you haven’t had one recently. Yikes again! We’ll try really hard not to say anything too funny! 😜
I’m so sorry! Feel better soon.
Dear Janice,
I’m so sorry to hear this, so painful! Please take care and try to get as much rest as possible.
THREE RIBS! Yikes! No wonder you hurt. May you heal fully and soon! We’ll be here.