because it’s an amazing video about tying scarves. (alas, Eileen Fisher does not address tying the square Hermes silk twill scarf). This is SO well worth the six minutes you’ll spend watching it. Thanks Pam, at Over 50 Feeling 40, for introducing us to this video.
Now, I want cold weather, and lots of scarves!
love to all – I don’t say that often enough – Janice
You know about the amazing youtube video from Wendyslookbook about trying scarves? After the thank you at the end, click on any of the scarf ties for a full tutorial on the best kind of fabric, accompanying jacket, etc. Just google "wendyslookbook scarf" for an eyeful.
and they have even more scarf tying videos on the Eileen Fisher website!
love to you too
Thanks for sharing this one…
Such a great video. Now if this heat would only go away so we can all break out our favorite new scarf knots. I'm wearing mine today as a belt – at 90+ I can't stand to feel it on my skin!
Here's to cooler weather soon!
I loved the video! Thanks for sharing! I wanted to let you know that my blog, OMGalmost50, has a new name. It is now “OMG I Am 50” or As a current follower, I hope you will continue to visit my blog! Also, if my previous blog name is on your public blog list please update it. Thanks for being a follower of my blog. I really enjoy your blog too!
Thanks for sharing. I am a huge EF fan and I think it ties in nicely with your clothing philosophy that less is often so much more. Her scarves have beautiful shadings and a generous size.
I can never watch too many scarf tying videos
Thanks for sharing
Too much fun! Waiting for the weather to cool down, too! Love you, too! Susan
There is another, shorter video on the Coldwater Creek website. Pam's was a wonderful tutorial and I can't wait for scarf weather. Have been collecting a few more this summer and resurrected some old (1980's) scarves that I had stored and forgotten. As I pare down my wardrobe, I have decided to exempt the scarves. Too much fun.
I need this on continuous loop when I getting dressed in the mornings!
This woman is just so cute and charming…the scarf-tying tips are a bonus.
Totally agree! And I love that EF uses older models and models of different ethnicities.
Do I really need to have a login and password to watch the video?
Louise P
At the time that I posted it, you didn't. I'm going to see if Eileen Fisher has updated it…